Thursday, December 20, 2007

How Can You Make A Pokemon Happy So It Can Evlove

Statute Confart "General Association of Italian artists and aspiring artists."



The Association has its headquarters in Teramo
In via: Insurgents Martese Bosco, 30
and you could 'have also decentralized organizational locations, carrying out its activities throughout the State, and he will be able to 'open their offices, delegations or representatives in Italy and abroad.
thereby assuming the role of territorial component, the category of domestic and international system of representation of artists and aspiring artists, as defined by the same Association.

The Association of unlimited duration.

ART. 1
Association, excluding all purposes' profit, apolitical nature of absolute, also inspired by the CEE 552/89 and No. 36/97/CE. It is proposed to obtain institutional recognition of the arts, theater, film, television, music, publishing and professional all the art forms of entertainment, professional
both airlines, both associations and individual artists and aspiring artists, with a countenance and self-regulation that meets your characteristics within national
, Community and international level.
this purpose, the Association proposes the strengthening and coordination of the activities' carried out by the Members, and the acquisition of all the elements of legislation and organization in a position to develop and disseminate the work of each member or group of coordinated them.

The Association has the following other purposes:

a) promote activities in appropriate locations likely to spread the freedom to pursue art;
b) be against the public and private authorities, third parties and other associations, members, protecting their interests, individual and collective, as concerning their activities and encouraging their development, educational, technical and economic
c) to study and solve artistic problems, organizational and cultural activities relating to 'represented;
d) to implement the stipulations of any collective bargaining agreements and arrangements involving assets represented;
e) collect and process elements, news and information on subjects interesting activities associated;
f) taking all the initiatives and tasks that were attributed to them by law or rules similar;
g) represent members of the authorities of the users of audiovisual products, broadcasters providers of electronic communications services ( public, private, regional, etc.). dealer for advertising and third parties, protecting the general interests and promoting the development, training, organizational, technical, and economic integration of work units for artists and aspiring professional artists;
h) to study and solve all organizational problems, economic, technical, legal and social class affect
i) enter into agreements with the SIAE and the '. ENPALS
l) enter into economic agreements and / or association with other categories of industries, artisans and
domestic and foreign trade. In any case, the Association shall refrain from any act
although no formal binding character, it is fit for
influence the conduct of business associates in order to distort competition
m) enter into agreements economic, contracts, employment and union agreements relating to the category represented

n) bringing professional artists and aspiring artists in mondo della produzione televisiva,
al mercato di consumo e pubblicitario;
o) Ideare, promuovere, sviluppare ed organizzare manifestazioni relative al settore dello
Spettacolo ( Canto, Moda, Teatro, Cinema, Arti Circensi, Arti Figurative, Pittori, Scultori, Fotografi, artisti disegnatori di siti internet, Fotoromanzi, Fumettisti, Fiction, Documentari, Reportage,Cortometraggi, Lungometraggi, Film di tutti i generi anche sportivi, ecc
p) Ideare, promuovere, sviluppare, organizzare, produrre e finanziare autonomamente le
Opere degli associati. Creare riviste , periodici, quotidiani anche on- line e web TV, streaming TV, che potranno essere gestiti da soci, ex soci, Liberi Professionisti esterni, o ditte appaltatici esterne, creare una rete di domini internet che può anche far gestire a ditte esterne a liberi professionisti o a soci o ex soci o al Direttore Generale Primo fondatore dell’Associazione, per mezzo di appalti regolarmente retribuiti o a titolo gratuito.
q) Organizzare ed assicurare il funzionamento dei servizi comuni di assistenza e consulenza
fiscale,legale, tecnica degli associati, per pubbliche relazioni e per la stampa;
r) Organizzare corsi di formazione professionale riconosciuti dalla stessa Associazione;
s) Creare un conto corrente denominato “Confartisti” presso qualsiasi Banca;
t) Realizzare selezioni artistiche denominato Casting per i propri associati e per third parties, including television and film productions and more. these activities can be for members only or open to the public.
u) Training and self training through ongoing laboratory work between members and through the participation of professionals in the industry (directors, choreographers, set designers, actors, script writers, voice actors, to be activated in various forms: seminars, workshops, debates, workshops, etc..
v) To introduce its members in school projects, hospitals, prisons, museums, and in various capacities for the social.
z) Sell the products made by the television networks to all the Italian and foreign
all Sky channels, including international. Radio sell all Italian and international
all Italian newspapers and international, in order to financially support the Association
, or to cooperate with them.

are also major activities of the Association
- Communication, information, publishing, broadcasting, new technologies and electronic communication.
- Coordinate the activities of the Telematics Association;
- Coordinate the activities of its offices and clubs, halls and facilities members, offering them all the required services, encourage the creation of new associative structures for the promotion of culture artists, in film, foster relations between the clubs and associations with these multimedia libraries and archives, public and private organizations and institutions involved in collection of film and audiovisual material from the bibliographic heritage inherent in it, as well as the world of production and distribution of film and audiovisual industry;
the Confart can develop synergies, forms of patronage, protection and representation to persons who pursue similar goals.
The Association may 'buy equipment appropriate to its activities and make available to its members and outside companies or organizations or broadcasters.
Will have a service internet surfing for its members and outsiders. Buy educational materials and more. The Association may
'filed with the SIAE by the shareholders, buy, promote and distribute the proceeds in order to gain profits for their economic livelihood.
market them in any kind of goods. Buy
Request a vat
Request a freshman ENPALS
And all that could be beneficial for the Association and to members.

Heritage and exercises social

ART. 2
Capital represented:
a) movable and immovable property will become property of the Association;
b) any reserve funds with a budget surplus;
c) any grants, donations and legacies.

Revenue Association shall consist of:
a) the shares;
b) derived from the organization of events, production, distribution Works Association, or participation in them;
c) any other income that contributes to increase the social assets.

ART. 3
Association Confart and 'open to anyone interested in the achievement of the aims
Institutional share its spirit and ideals.

Confart and 4 ' an autonomous organization, founded on the principle of free consent and voluntary, open to all geographical, sectorial and cultural 's artistic entrepreneurship, freelance artists, aspiring artists and still not available due to documentation, or evidence of school unrecognized, even in individuals who have no way of middle school or upper school, even in individuals who are not registered at the employment office of the show and all 'or ENPALS SIAE

ART. 5
The Confart:
Select Sector ', Federations, Associations Territorial federations, Staff

ART. 6
IL vertice della CONFARTISTI:
Presidente , Vice Presidente, Segretario, Tesoriere, Consigliere, Vice Direttore, Direttore Generale Nazionale a vita riconosciuto dai firmatari del presente statuto e da tutti i Fondatori che fanno parte del Consiglio Direttivo e di chi ne fara’ parte e da tutti gli associati, da Enti, Aziende ecc.

Direttore Generale Nazionale
Primo Fondatore Carmine Donato Pelusi nato a Ochesenhausen (Germania)Il 21/02/1972

ART. 7
L’Associazione CONFARTISTI ha facoltà i costituire da sola o in partecipazione con altri soggetti pubblici e privati, con o senza personalità giuridica, società di servizi informativi, formativi e tecnico – amministrativi, che adottino tutti gli strumenti ritenuti necessari per
Sostenere, valorizzare e potenziare l’attività degli artisti e degli aspiranti artisti.

ART. 8
Si partecipa alla vita dell’Associazione in qualità i Soci ( Fondatori, Ordinari, Promotori, Onorari, Onorari Speciali, Sostenitori, Benemeriti). Possono essere Soci Ordinari dell’Associazione le Compagnie professionali di Artisti, le Compagnie non professionali di Artisti, organizzate anche sotto forma di impresa, cooperativa o società, le Associazioni culturali, di tutte le categorie che vogliono sostenere l’arte per mezzo degli artisti emergenti, aspiranti artisti, e artisti professionisti, singoli Artisti che esercitano passioni e ideali, studi ecc. che esercitano liberamente l’arte.

ART. 9
Sono Soci Fondatori dell’ associazione le prime persone fisiche o giuridiche che hanno fondato, e firmato il primo atto costitutivo e lo statuto dell’Associazione Confartisti.

ART. 10
La quota di Iscrizione dei soci che entreranno a far parte del dell’ Associazione durante il primo anno viene determinata in euro 100,00 (cento).

ART. 11
Le spese del presente, sua registrazioni, annesse e dipendenti sono a carico dell’Associazione Confartisti.

ART. 12
I Soci Fondatori hanno diritto di eleggere e di essere eletti alle cariche sociali and are entitled to one vote, to pay or not pay the membership fee after a year of foundation.

ART. 13
Ordinary members have the right to elect and be elected for office.
Each member has one vote.
may be members: The Founders, Members can be distinguished (Ordinary, Promoters, Sponsors, Benefactors, Fees and Special Fees), institutions, associations, companies that promote the art of putting in place, so documented and with continuity or discontinuity 'by organizing events, festivals, exhibitions, initiatives documented, education and training, a project of significant cultural value in local, regional, national or international level.

ART. 14
are founder members of 'Association natural or legal persons who have founded, and signed the first memorandum and articles of association Confart, and are part of law, Consglio Directors. Members are not founders, individuals or entities who agree to pay for the entire stay of the associative link, the annual fee established by the Executive Council met for each category. Excludes Special Honorary Members and Honorary Members.

ART. 15
Honorary Members are individuals or legal persons who accept the nomination on the basis of advanced Assembly of exceptional merit in the exercise, in the promotion, cultural development of art.

ART. 16
Honorary members are not subject to the payment of any fee.
not have power to elect shall be elected.

ART. 17 Members
"Merit" can participate in community life and will not be entitled to vote unless written consents and approved by the Executive Council, and 'will also have a passport valid for one year. Members "Merit" can belong to several categories including non-artists.

ART. 18
Confart The Special Honorary Members considered disabled and will have all the advantages and considerations and may work in all the structures of Confart through regular contracts recognized by law. Special Honorary members do not pay any fee, will be entitled to vote, nominations and awards to the card, and all projects will be integrated into the cultural, artistic, etc.. and placed in all establishments or other places of work.

ART. 19
A member may not become a founding charter member, upon written request addressed to the Board of Directors, by unanimous vote of its founders.

ART. 20
The application for admission as a member e'rivolta to the Executive Council which will examine the attivita'espressa determining whether the applicant, sulla base di adeguata documentazione, sia connotata
di elementi di professionalità o rappresentività

ART. 21
L’adesione di socio ha la durata di un anno e si intende tacitamente rinnovata se aderisce con il contributo associativo detta quota di tesseramento.

ART. 22
L’iscrizione all’Associazione comporta il pagamento di una quota annuale, il cui importo è fissato annualmente dal Consiglio Direttivo, ed il rilascio da parte dell’Associazione, di una tessera di riconoscimento. La qualifica di socio è personale e non trasmissibile. La quota o il contributo non è trasmissibile ad eccezione dei trasferimenti a causa di morte non è soggetta a rivalutazione.

ART. 23
2 Form Membership: Membership is open to
Confart, people, associations and clubs of film culture, and any activities that are expressed by artists and aspiring artists, regularly constituted in accordance with the laws that are recognized in the present Charter regardless of political or religious beliefs, gender and sexual identity, nationality and ethnicity, age and occupation.
The Clubs or associations affiliated with the 'accession to Confart, maintain its legal autonomy and property, are conditions for membership:
the acquisition of the certificate of membership, the adoption of the membership card.
not, in any case be allowed membership instrumentally limited rights or forward.

ART. 24
Voting rights may be exercised after 6 (six) months from enrollment.

ART. 25
Membership status is lost:
a) for forfeiture;
b) the Member's recession;
c) for breach of its obligations derived from the statute or not intervene when serious reasons that make it incompatible, the continuation of the associative relationship.

ART. 26
All members are required to comply with the rules of the Statute. In the case of conduct not in compliance, that would be prejudicial to the purposes and the assets of the Association Council will intervene and impose the following sanctions:
recall, warning, expulsion from the Association, the expelled member may appeal against the decision in writing thirty days to enter the Council.

ART. 27
The Association draws the means to achieve its aims by:

a) Subscriptions and membership fees that are set by the Board of Directors;
b) Contributions from public and private
c) the proceeds of
d) membership
e) membership via internet

ART. The Association consists of 28

a) The members' assembly;
b) The Board of Directors;
c) The President
d) The Vice President;
e) The Secretary;
f) Deputy Secretary
g) The Musical Director
h) Deputy Director
i) The treasurer
j ) consultation with artists and promoters. All officers have a term of three years, unless it is established by the extension;
k) Board of Auditors

ART. 29
The Assembly is the sovereign body and can make all the decisions and the proper functioning of community life.
The Assembly is the pivotal moment of confrontation, ina, to ensure proper management of the Association It is made and all members, each of whom has one vote, whatever the value of quota.Essa is called at least once a year in ordinary and in extraordinary session when necessary or requested by the Governing Council or by 1 / 3 of the members or the majority of its founders. The Assembly resolutions should be publicized 'through the minutes,

ART. 30
The Assembly has the following powers:

a) elect the President;
b) elect the members of the Board of Directors
c) appoint the members of the Board of Auditors;
d) Outline the basic lines of associative ;
e) not change the status created by the Council Directors and Founders.

ART. 31
The Board is composed of the founders. The Council shall be validly constituted when the majority of the members, even by proxy.
The founding members are eligible to receive up to 2 (two) proxies.

ART. 32
The Board appoints the Director, is responsible for the artistic coordination of activities and address' teaching can 'be a professional is also not a member, and may engage in other activities' working outside the association and may charge a contract work, a contract of employment or otherwise, the costs incurred in the performance of
Confart Association. It can provide both work at the association by companies or outside agencies.
may represent the Association in all forms of communication (TV, radio, newspaper, and more. Present projects to organizations, companies and to run projects to commercial, as well as artists, for and on behalf of the Association other associations, institutions or private firms, even in self-employment. It can 'teach courses in the Association to organize events and more.

The Board of Directors to appoint the Deputy Artistic Director and Artistic Director Administrative Vice President, they will be members only confidence
chosen for establishing and coordinating a consultative body for artists and developers.

ART. 34
The President proposed the policy and operating the Association, in cases of absence or incapacity of the President, his powers and functions are delegated to the Vice President or to the Artistic Director.

ART. 35
Management Association is managed by a board of three auditors elected by the Assembly. The Auditors may participate by right in an advisory capacity in meetings of the Board of Governors and the Assemblies.

ART. 36
The Look of Artists and aspiring artists Confart (See Italian Artists Confart acronym
CIAC) is the that brings together all members artists and aspiring artists (individual members)
Association. The activity 'of the council must' reflect the fundamentals of this statute,
operate in compliance with the general objectives of statues of the Association, subject to the deliberations and the Board of Directors, to serve the activities' Association on the basis of the specific mandate,

Look at it: "CIAC"

a) To coordinate, promote and develop the 'members' artists and aspiring artists, protecting their interests, individual and collective
b) To study and solve artistic problems, organizational and cultural relating to the activities' of the members and artists aspiring artists.

The Look of the Promoters (See Italian Promoters Artists and aspiring artists, CIPAC
acronym is the body that brings together all members of the Association sponsors. The activity 'of the council should reflect the fundamentals of this statute, to operate in compliance with the general objectives of the Association of statues based on the specific mandate.

to See It: CIPAC

a) To coordinate, promote and develop the activity 'the activity of the promoter members, protecting their individual interests and collective
b) To study and solve artistic problems, organizational and cultural activities to the 'Developers' Meeting.

ART. 37
Members who play in their activities, functions both as an artist that a promoter may participate in both councils. The Council is chaired by the Secretary or his delegate (Deputy Secretary) elected by the members. Searches may also be defined through its own internal rules, the procedures for the functioning of the body.

ART. 38
consultations shall consist of a number of components that will be able to 'vary from a minimum of 7 (seven)
to a maximum of 11 (Eleven). The work of the consultation process could be part the President of the Region, the Province, the assessors delegated to deal with the matters being discussed and officers of the sectors concerned, and a representative group of a majority and minority groups.

ART. 39
Consulte The aim, in addition, the following purposes:
- provide opportunities for dialogue and reconciliation between the Associations;
- offering opinions and assessments with the projects and public and private initiatives that affect the operation in his speech;
- develop and propose plans of action with the Centers for Voluntary Service of the Province;
- advising voluntary and not binding on the planning of measures and proposals dell’Ente relativi al settore in cui l’Associazione opera.
- Esprimere valutazioni sull’andamento delle convenzioni stipulate a livello provinciale e regionale con gli Enti pubblici e privati verificando gli obbiettivi raggiunti;
- Esprimere pareri su criteri per la tenuta e la gestione dell’Albo provinciale, regionale, non che’ pareri sulle richieste di iscrizione e cancellazione dell’Albo stesso
- Promuovere e sviluppare Consulte Comunali.

ART. 40
Funzionamento delle Consulte
Ciascuna consulta elegge nel proprio seno un Presidente ed un vice Presidente, alla valutazion, a scrutinio segreto, dovra’ partecipare la maggioranza dei componenti. Ogni Componente la Consulta will be able to 'express a preference only and will be proclaimed president who obtains the highest number of votes and Vice-President who will have' got the most votes immediately 'below. With the same 'votes, will be' proclaimed the most 'eldest'. The President, will provide 'the convening of the consultation suggested the agenda of the session, also will chair' meetings thereof. The invitation to the consultation must take place by means of a simple letter to be sent at least 10 days of the Pima fixed for the holding of the meeting. In Case of Compliance of the President of their features will be carried out by the Vice-President. The forum appointed
, sempre nel proprio seno, un Segretario che provvedera’ a redigere un regolamento verbale delle sedute. Le Riunini delle Assemblee o delle Consulte potranno essere richieste inoltre dal Presidente della Provincia, della Regione o dagli Assessori delegati per il rilascio dell’art. 41.3° comma, dello Statuto dell’Ente.

ART. 41
Le riunioni delle Assemblee e delle Consulte potranno essere tenute presso strutture messe a disposizione dall’Ente, previa verifica della relativa disponibilita’ .

ART. 42
L’Assemblea, in prima convocazione, sara’ valida se parteciperanno almeno la meta’ piu’ uno degli iscritti, in seconda convocazione l’Assemblea sara’ valid with the presence of at least 3 (three) members.

ART. 43
The Executive Council has all the powers of ordinary and extraordinary administration. In the ordinary
its tasks are:
- prepare the documents to be submitted to the assembly;
- to formalize the proposal for the management of the Association;
- Develop the final budget, which must contain the individual items of expenditure and receipts relating to the period of one year;
- Develop the budget, which must contain the individual items, the estimates of expenditure and revenue relating to the exercise next year;
- Discuss the activities proposed by the members and vote in favor or not, this publication justification. They will not be accepted projects which do not conform to the purposes of statues.
- Projects will be proposed to the Director through the organs of the consultation with developers and promoters of the Consulta.
- Projects will be welcomed and considered and evaluated by the Director prior to submission to the Board of Directors who will develop 'the balance sheet and budget,
- The Board will issue the warrant for the execution of projects by delegating to the Director General Confart.
- The Director performs the execution of projects with financial resources established by the Board of Directors pre
- The Director will perform the work or assign the work to outside firms for implementation.
- All Members will be pre selected or chosen to be introduced by companies as paid workers or the company that will perform 'work.
- The Board of Directors will appoint the members of the consultation between the artists and among the members of the Consulta Promoters 2 (two) super-visors, to assist and oversee all aspects of working with the Director or his deputy or temporary Deputy Director, for implementation projects underway.

ART. 44
The Governing Council shall 'take to the middle of a contract of employment to temporary or permanent, in the headquarters of associations also qualified and will be able to' co-workers also use external experts not associated only when economic budgets permit with Council's approval in the Assembly and the signature of the President of Confart

ART. 45
In order to bring artists closer to the foundation and to address local problems and to avoid long trips for members, there is the possibility of setting up local coordination, which can be inter-regional or regional, which can Perhaps their structures, even using computer networks made available by Confart, which in any way respond to the Executive Council and the National Assembly

ART. 46
activity Confart Representation: The
Confart dialogues with municipalities, provinces, regions, the national government, thanks to the firmness and believe industrial action will Confart interconfederal signatory of agreements on matters of national and regional throughout the whole production system of national collective bargaining specific job sectors commodity production and artistic activities, his associates as well as numerous regional collective agreements work.

ART. 47
The President is in office for three years and 'the legal representative of the Association can open and close bank accounts and post office and proceed to the cash receipts and payments with the permission in writing and signed by a majority of the Council Executive

ART. 43
The fiscal year closes on December 31 of each year.
The Budget and the balance to be approved by the General Assembly within the law. The budget and the balance shall be forwarded to the Auditors at least 15 days before the date fixed for its examination by the General Assembly.

ART. 48
The dissolution of the Association is approved by a vote of at least two-thirds of those eligible. The Assembly itself decides on all methods of compensation. The Assembly will appoint one or more liquidators and decide regarding the valuation of assets.

ART. 49
Final Provisions:
as not covered by these Regulations apply to the dictates of the Civil Code.

bed in Teramo, approved and signed on December 17, 2007

Subscriptions Confart
Charter Association National Association of General and Aspiring Artists Italian Artists.

Receiver Processing 48 Bit

Confart "National Association of General and Aspiring Artists Italian Artists"

E 'was born in Teramo' s National Association Confart, actually called " Confart "

Aspiring National Association of General Artists and Artistic Italian.

TV director and producer is its first Founder and Artistic Director of the National Assembly. The President of the Rag. Mauro Fidanza, National Secretary of the Dott.Luciano Consorti, Deputy Secretary Joseph Pavone

, Deputy Director Susan Mendoza.

Association and 'showcase, the accession of all aspiring artists and Italian artists.

will deal with Audiovisual and Film Production. The cost of the cards will be 'Euros 35.00 years more' cost of Euro 15.00 for the application 2009, Application for Membership Membership of the Business Communication Services Confart.