Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wmm Wont Open Mswmm File?

Employers expiration data for the 730 compensation claims

The deadline for public and private employers to electronically communicate with the user or the name of the intermediary with whom they wish to receive by the Inland Revenue accounting data models 730-4 of their employees is set at March 31, 2010. Communication is necessary to do the additional tax on wages, which this year covers all withholding and not just those with a resident in one of the 44 provinces involved in the trial which began in 2008. Exceptions are a few large institutions (INPS, Ipost, Inpdap, MEF, Railways and Post Spa), who already receive the notice electronically on their websites the accounting result.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Futures Contracts For Reits

Model Application for Membership Application form in 2010