Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mother Withnew Born Baby Wording

leases 2010 and tax codes

The deadline to register the leases (lease) on property is set for the year 2010 to 30 April. By this date you must make the payment on to:
-supplies, resolutions and even tacit renewals, with effect from 1 .4.2010
-annual installments of long-term contracts relating to urban property subsequent to the first, beginning from 1-.4 .2010.
In the case of online registration of contracts rental and leasing of property
made under Presidential Decree 404/2001, the payment of registration must be made on Form F24 online.
The payment for the leases can be made to the dealer or bank by using the Model F23, or at a post office, by postal order payable to the dealer
of recovery.
tax code for leases of property:
107T: tax record for lease agreements buildings
108T: Set log cottages for rent money;
112T: tax record for lease agreements buildings - annual
114T: Sets registry for extensions (contracts leasing and rentals)
115T: tax record for lease agreements buildings - the first annual