Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Vanilla Chai Dunkin Caffeine


30 August 2010

Parra 'strange, but there' a value which should be a precondition of politics and more 'breadth of civilized life.

It's called loyalty '. But something seems to have become uncomfortable to say one thing and think the opposite seems to be the rule. In politics and in life.
next Sunday at the conclusion of our festival that begins Poggio Buggianese 'Friday, I want to talk to our activists.

unlikely to 'do the same hours Gianfranco Fini in Mirabello, where he will meet' the sad bitterness antiberlusconiano assembly.

yet, and 'own within a community' policy which should be high value-loyalty 'among its members.

E 'was fair, frankly, the behavior of the Speaker of the House against the party that no one forced him to found with the Prime Minister?
will say, 'But there are duty of loyalty' to the institutions and the country. Fine, but Fini 'arrived at the third position in the State in the wake of a popular vote and election of a specific program - theirs and not ours, nor that of the left - but are now two years ago by counterpoint.

Nobody asked him to subvert the parliamentary rules in favor of the majority, it 'would be sense to demand it. But we would be curious to know who asked him to fight almost every day those who voted at the top of Deputies on every political issue.

much and 'fair, for example, hope for justice mom to get rid of the head of his coalition as a Di Pietro any?

much and 'right to claim against you and the citizens there voted to overturn the policy positions rationally right, starting with those in the field of migration, if it were up to Fini, we would see the citizens fall short in granting the right to vote in less than five minutes and despite what you ' said and done in three decades of political activism?

much and 'acceptable to decide who comes from the Christian tradition of a sudden - and the not-too-veiled invitation to not disagree - take a sganassoni the Catholic Church with the positions we had to know about artificial insemination, euthanasia and so on?

Ed and 'loyal support the rights of the family and then left free rein to those who think of marriage between persons of the same sex doing well shore' a propaganda trick that's left so who does not believe that we should violate the natural law becomes a dangerous homophobe?

No, this is not 'act fairly.

and it is not 'even what he did in the summer of Monaco, where we learned that any goods supplied to An and was placed in a more' corporate 'offshore and then placed in the family.

and do not 'against a community' we believed him.

Recently, in a meeting, Umberto Bossi said that before you stole for the party, now you steal the party.

not want to fall in the excess minutes of the leader of the League, but I think this word - loyalty '- Mr Fini can not' more 'to use it for the rest of his life.

Francesco Storace

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Thursday, August 26, 2010

Blue Screen Erro Message C0000005


26 August 2010

In my region, I know many, definitely not a quiet woman, much less have been a quiet girl.
The choice of life, in full military 1968 Right attending a high school left, where 'to understand how they are made.
Many years have passed and I am loyal to my choice, my commitment to militancy.
This month I have been closely following what is published in the newspapers on the issue Tulliani-Fini-Monte Carlo. Sincerely
of Tulliani Gaucci and I do not care at all, other priorities in my life, starting with the search for political solutions to those who must deal with a family budget more and more 'problematic, but the deal Monte Carlo is something else. I know Gianfranco
always difficult moments I shared with him in politics and in private, I look at the pictures today of Fini-Tulliani family and I seem to see the photos of a royal family and think of another baptism, that of the first daughter, the one daughter kept almost hidden, I also think Daniela, borgatara that the great lady with a style that has remained quietly in the shadows for all these years.
I care so much Monaco instead of the question, the sentence is not public money me angry, of course if public money were my child would envy, they are accustomed to politicians who make bad business a reason to live, but the question is Monte Carlo a betrayal a fraud and a human community that has sacrificed all in the name of the idea.
I luckily did not have death in the family but I still rode it had sold two homes to pay for deposits and lawyers for her husband and brother, I rode my degree for not having to go to work and support my children, I worried 's idea that former friends still pay too high a price for believing in something purposeful and socially. AN
I joined, I rejoiced when he finished in Sorrento was elected secretary of the MSI (I had a bump and my son was born just 15 seasons after that wonderful day), carefully preserved the telegram that I sent Uncle George on that occasion: "Dear titti the small Marzio has experienced one of the most 'beautiful history of the party, will certainly be a young follower of a young secretary .. but I also hope of an elderly President. Many kisses to you and the little. "
few months after Uncle George has left us, and also my son only 11 years to a tragic fate flew in the sky, but was always ready to politics ... I still remember the event in Milan, an event flag, which closed the procession carrying the Italian flag ... but that's another story. When AN
with Berlusconi came to govern in its own right I retired to private life, a beautiful cultural circle, AN felt more and more 'distant sentivo Fini sempre piu’ lontano.
Devo dire che i rapporti umani con lui, Maurizio,Ignazio, Pinuccio sono rimasti ottimi, tanto che in piu’ occasioni sono stata loro gradita ospite a convegni e…convetion.
Ed ogni volta vedevo sempre meno volti conosciuti e volti che mai si sarebbero presentati ad incontri del MSI, ho compreso che l’essere stata militante e dirigente di quel partito era motivo di demerito e non di merito.
Ora gli amici di un tempo sono tutti ministri, deputati, altri ho scoperto in questi giorni che sono lautamente stipendiati in RAI ( quella stessa RAI per cui chiedevamo l’abolizione del canone e che ritenevamo fonte di incarichi di partito), mi va tutto bene, sotto sotto preferisco have the problem of how to make ends meet rather than feel in conflict with myself. Montecarlo
But NO! I would have preferred if the President had said, I apologize to all members of the MSI, I was wrong to love .. "I understand", but his arrogance and his partner (I do not see why the newspapers are saying the wife) I definitely sclera.
I would like to speak with him, I wish I could ask what has happened, put the house on the balcony of the fasces and sell off a property left by a nostalgic fascist idea that the point?
Why not explain to us poor fools, deluded, passionate activists on the right what he wants and why? And politically. ... Our idea of \u200b\u200bfamily in family turned gay. ... you can not see ... ... I continue to be the absolute evil, but my disease is full of dignity, many from the heavens weep and weep with them that he believed a community.

and concludes with a simple appeal: GIANFRANCO if you have not forgotten all the sacrifices made together (when we did not even have enough money to stay at the hotel) has the power to give us some answers.

well deserved!

And I thank the Secretary of the Right, Francesco Storace, who carries on this battle of redemption for the entire community.

Tweety Monteleone

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Gaming Laptop With Good Battery Life


27 ago 2010

Ma di che si lamentano i cosiddetti “finiani”?

Ieri, La Russa ha annunciato that the coordinators of the PDL shall convene the Members who have joined the Freedom and Future 'and down' protests, threats, din, tears.
Now, it 'true that' difficult to understand the things of this strange world, but politics - even in time of Berlusconi - should have rules. The first of which is' if you're in a party can not be part of a different parliamentary group.

it seems to me that it is so normal, 'but they did not.

And then I say plainly clear that these Finian round broke the boxes.

are those within An owner bowed to his father, who pleaded seats in Parliament, which would be difficult to see one get out alive with the sound of the electoral preferences, and now claim impunity 'policy.
Even more 'clear: I think La Russa has made the move, just to scare them a little' and they are fooled by all the shoes.
But the issue is serious there is no 'doubt. Who knows the history of the MSI was formed remembers when 'national democracy - which happened to be having a symbol of the Generation of Italy - Almirante chased' MPs who had joined. And they were the majority than those who rimasero fedeli al partito.
Spero che Berlusconi vada avanti. In fondo sono fatti loro, ma a me non va proprio giu’ che chi ha costretto tante persone ad andarsene da An;

chi ha sciolto un partito in cinque minuti per confluire nel Pdl;

chi rivendica democrazia interna dopo averla calpestato;

e chi non spiega perche’ ha venduto ad una societa’ off-shore un pezzo del patrimonio del partito che ha fatto la fine che sappiamo, non merita solidarieta’.

Almeno, deve chiederci scusa.

Our people are entitled to it and ask loud and clear to the event next week in Ponte Buggianese.

their tears in Mirabello, in spite of the rally. We will continue in the name of the pride flag, to wave our flags. No ulterior motives.

Francesco Storace

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Gallbladder Is Inflamed

em out!

I wonder what they expect Berlusconi to expel from his party - the one who took his vows with his name on the ballot - deputies and senators have formed parliamentary groups independent of the PDL. I think you are just doing mock. Every time there is' recovery. Among Bocchino, Briguglio, Granada and company, and 'in the game Tartaglino gold, a kind of prize at the coup finiano pulling more' strong in the face of the premier. And the Italians are more and more ' disgusted by the spectacle. What happens if you take no action? No, I will show 'only weakness to those who leave his party. It was more 'courageous Fini, I was more' coherent self. I left the parliamentary group and left the party. Fini revenge 'to veto policies to our presence in the coalition and it benefits' - thanks to the majority bonus - the league that they be' so much on my nerves. What happens if Berlusconi hunt them? First, just the warning to return to their homes if they can not bring himself to risk electoral raspberries. And then from 'an extraordinary sign of seriousness' policy. A party can not 'be a kind of Lego which breaks down and then reassembled. If you walk away from the parliamentary group, and 'obvious that you can not stay in the same party. There is a risk for the remainder of the term? 'Cause, with the hypocritical pretense it goes better?

Courage, President, also the risk that attempting maneuvers palace. But where do venticinqueluglisti following purposes?

Sooner or later - and I think most 'sooner than later, especially if Bossi holds the point - the word back to the people.

And they 'expect no mercy' to those who have betrayed an idea and a people.

It 's time to pull out the attributes. Now and forever.

Francesco Storace

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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What Kind Of Dog Is Jock From Lady And The Tramp

Film and cinema, arriving tax relief for the tax credit for producers

Revenue Agency with the resolution 85 / and set up three new codes, 6826,6827,6828 for film makers who wish to take advantage of tax reductions introduced by the law number 244 of 2007 Budget 2008. The codes use the F24 (Treasury section, column amounts to offset credit).
'In particular, the code identifies the 6826 tax credit for contributions in money for the production of cinematographic works, the code identifies the 6827 tax credit for expenses incurred by businesses of film distribution, code 6828 refers to the tax credit for expenses incurred by companies for the digitization of cinema exhibition halls.
The measure of the tax varies depending on the type of enterprise and activity. For example, enterprises not belonging to cineaudiovisivo financing the production of national films the Italian tax authorities recognize a credit of 40 percent of the amount allocated from 1 June 2009 and up to the year following the year in progress at December 31, 2009, for a maximum of one million euro.