Two more days and finally Friday will open in Giugliano in the splendid setting of the Village Stellamaris National Day of Youth Italian: Campo Mediterraneo.
The participants will start arriving from 9am, will take place immediately credit your account and subscription to Working Groups.
At 15, Maureen Bruno provincial secretary of the right hand, and Giugliano Giovanni Pianese mayor greeted those present and will officially launch the event.
Half an hour after the first round table: "The renewal policy for the young generation." Moderated by journalist Tobias Iodice, Speakers: Councillor Francis Mallari, Ruggero Razza, Councillor Frank Guarino, Antonio and Arzillo Vittorio Sepe, presidente nazionale dei giovani dell’UDC.
Alle 17 si insedieranno i gruppi di lavoro, mezz’ora dopo in Anfiteatro si terrà il dibattito “Le priorità del sud”. Parteciperanno: Giovanni Romano, assessore regionale all’Ambiente della Regione Campania; l’On. Roberto Buonasorte, consigliere regionale del Lazio; On. Luigi Cesaro, presidente dell’Amministrazione Provinciale di Napoli; On. Giovanni Pianese, Sindaco di Giugliano; l’On. Carlo Aveta, consigliere regionale della Campania; l’Avv. Francesco Romaniello, del Consorzio Costa del Mito.
Sempre in Anfiteatro, alle 19 “riappropriarsi della politica e dell’etica: un nuovo stile in the institutions of government "with Livio Proietti, Administrative Secretary The Right, the Hon. Caldoro Stefano, President of the Campania Region, the Hon. Antonio Rastrelli, the first president of the MSI to the Campania Region, the Hon. Roberto Cota, president of the Piedmont Region, the Hon. Teodoro Buontempo, National President of The Right, the Hon. Nello Musumeci.
to 22 shows and concerts of alternative music.
Saturday, at 8.30 Tilgher Adriano, Rodolfo Antonio Arzillo Sideri and will open the day with a lecture entitled "the style of the militant." At 9.30
are provided for sports activities organized by the Centro Sportivo Fiamma, 9.45, and will meet the Thematic Commissions.
At 16, the debate on law and justice by: Katia Anedda, Vincenzo Maria Mastronardi, Walter Mastroeni, Ascanio Trojani, Angelo Jannone, Monica Proietti Nassisi and Livy.
Next, at 17.30 Amphitheatre in the debate: "The ideas that moved the world," the young people interviewed by the Hon. Pino Rauti and Raffaele Bruno. With Adrian
Tilgher and Mirko Renzaglia, at 18.30 it is called the "crisis of global finance: a new balance and the future of Europe." From 21.30
Shows and concerts of alternative music will close the evening.
Sunday, last day of work, it will begin with Mass celebrated in Latin at 8.15. At 9 sports, gara podistica e conclusione dei lavori della Commissioni.
In Anfiteatro alle 10, Marcello Curzio intervisterà Francesco Storace, Segretario Nazionale de La Destra.
Alle 12,30, dal cielo scenderanno i paracadutisti e alle 13,30 Gianni Musetti, segretario Nazionale di Gioventù Italiana chiuderà la manifestazione.
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