Saturday, October 30, 2010

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30 October 2010

Some say that 'the history of Monaco and is' over, someone else has fed, and still others that Fini' protected. But there 's no reason to keep quiet. A chat would be enough - as I did this morning after reading the newspaper - with Roberto and Buonasorte Andrea Di Marco, the two leaders of the right hand, which reported the story in the Palace of Justice (?).
Well, I can not believe. Gia 'newspapers had left me dumbfounded. All papers published in the press are more leaked 'some doubt on the request for archiving pm. But what I learned in four hours with Buonasorte and Andrew suggests that the game is not 'not closed and that there' plenty of items to request and obtain from the magistrate a more 'in depth. First, the inclusion of strangeness
Fini (and barge) on the register of suspects for fraud on the same day the request for storage. Not even 24 hours for a rag investigating the excellent chairman of the House? The shape and 'substance, someone said, but evidently not' been heard in the square Clodius. Where, apparently, did not give weight to various interrogations in which the texts say - and according to what I 'was told - that Fini himself has set the price and place of the contract of sale with the company' off-shore. It 's so poor you and Derrick' found in a notary's office in Monte Carlo in front of strangers - is the contract - who paid in cash, three hundred thousand euro. See nothing, hear and speak ... especially not
are identical - they write the pm - the signatures of those who rent the house and who occupies it Tulliani (Tulliani itself). Fini had videodetto that if he found the property 'of Tulliani he would resign as chairman of the House: and' sufficient attestation of the prosecutor and no more 'the only minister of Saint Lucia and that' went well '? Then there is' room for satire. The administrator who sells (in charge of Fini) says that the house smelled. The head of the secretariat of Fini (Lamorte) says that the house smelled. The secretary of Fini (Rita Marino) said that the house smelled. In addition to the cost of deodorant, what else has committed the funds to make it less of Tulliani "dilapidated" Since there is no 'acts a shred of evidence to prove the status of a postwar apartment sold at least one third of its value? And according to the prosecutor's argument, in short, the price is not 'right and, say, the skill is not' been done by This Mortal Coil, which could be suspected of partisanship. But there
'other: the secretary of Fini, who was on vacation this summer in Saint Lucia but not on the moon, even says that you have read the famous statement of Fini's only August when I showed the judges, that' September 15 last year. Knew nothing, and 'a fair woman, you do not inform
... All of this, or "texts" associated with Fini and political relations of dependency, and 'sufficient to require filing. Not a word, a question, a question - and it 'as is clear from the budget documents that the prosecutors evidently looked vaguely - how to disappear for a good given the good fight, sold to a company' offshore to the square and ends with another brother.
And there 'a lot more.
Buonasorte But I did not and Andrew said. I write in opposition to the storage. Maybe tell him to do next Saturday, November 6, at our event in Rome. If justice and 'in the name of the Italian people, that the
people know ... PS We found out that Anna Maria Colleoni was born on 26 July 1934.26 July as the Right of ...

Francesco Storace

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

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messages Italy

24 October 2010

After 16 years of service, Fini addressed as a slave and discovers the power of any turnaround, pampered by D'Alema.

is a policy that becomes more and more disgusted the Italians.

Berlusconi takes courage and dare.

Convoke one by one the senators who has appointed blind Senate and bring the country to the polls.

It can not be 'more' of playacting Finian.

do not be afraid: For to us.

Tomorrow, for example, in Milan I will be there: talk to the Fini resentful that picks up around, I will turn to explain to viewers what Telelombardia we will do it by November 6 with the demonstration in Rome.

Francesco Storace

Please note that in order to join the blog you must write your name or nickname and enter an email address VALIDO.Il Blog is an open space at your disposal, is designed to confront directly. The immediacy of the publication of your comments will not allow preventive filters. .

Monday, October 18, 2010

Is The Orchestra Pit Good At Rosemont

New rules for the acts of buying and selling homes, null and void if there is a mismatch

With the conversion into law of decree Council of Ministers on May 31, 2010, n. 78, concerning urgent measures in the field of financial stabilization and economic competitiveness have been issued new rules for the acts of someone who buys and sells the house.
From July 1, 2010 fact public acts and private documents authenticated involving inter vivos transfer, the formation or dissolution communion of rights in rem in existing buildings for the units urban should include the following elements:
-identification register (section, sheet, particle number and any subordinate);
-reference to the plans submitted in Cadastre;
-declaration made by the nominee in the acts of the compliance data and cadastral plans at the state of such housing units (coherence "objective"), pursuant to the provisions in force in the land registry. Since 7/31/2010, the declaration may be replaced by a certificate of conformity issued by a qualified technician to the presentation updated register of transactions.
The act does not contain the details of all the foregoing is void and has no effect. So
attention to when the plans of the land do not correspond with the actual state of the house , for example if you abuse this building, you might have in their hands null and void.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

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14 October 2010

It will not be 'one of the usual manifestations taking place in the politics of these times.
Saturday, November 6, the Right has gathered together a great popular meeting to be held 'in Rome, at the Salone delle Fontane, Eur, where we celebrated the first, beautiful, attended our national convention.
And we will have many thousands of people to another, meeting new flag.
we come together to make policy. To launch a proposal for good politics.
We started talking about the executive met yesterday and in the various meetings in recent days. Sara 'an event that must' be characterized by what it means to say that the military right and what the Right wants to offer our troubled nation. Our event
will take place 'simultaneously with the gathering of Finian who chose Perugia - small red square - where to launch new political jargon nonsense. They found the antiberlusconismo with some 'delay, imagining too many to forget the betrayal of our identity'.
We have a project more 'ambitious Mr Fini of bizarre twists.
We feel we have the right and duty to aim at those who think they have found over the years - for political reasons - to the right, and now feel lost.
the next few days will post the policy platform of our proposal for the event on 6 November. In the area are already ' organizing coaches from around the country, regional and provincial secretariats are mobilized for the event in Rome. We expect, for now, four operations in the event which will begin 'to flow to 15 and that will be' finished a show. Dario speak Rossin, who leads the right in the city 'and the Capitol, Roberto Buonasorte, provincial secretary of the Federation and the Chairman Buontempo and myself. From November 6
Italy will have 'even more' clear and what 'our goal, which is not' just a party, but the affirmation of our ideas and their right of citizenship. In the name of an identity 'and that no' managed to erase.
continue to talk about it ....

Francesco Storace

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

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Friday, October 8, 2010

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6 October 2010

few days after the scoop on the house of Monte Carlo two members of the Right in disbelief the revelations shocked the Journal valuable piece of heritage on the environ-countess Colleoni sold out by An offshore company in the Caribbean and then finished in the availability of the brother of the President of the Chamber, presented a first exposed to the Carabinieri. In doing so forced the Rome prosecutors to open an investigation for serious fraud investigation, which now proceeds with the handbrake on with no means am willing to question Tulliani Giancarlo, who said in regards the possibility of selling the property Monaco in a society of knowledge. Now the same leaders of The Right, Mark D'Andrea and Roberto Buonasorte, have returned to the office to report to prosecutors for purposes of investigation, As brought out not only by the Journal from July 27 to today. In forty-page supplement to the complaint-lawsuit recounts the many, too many anomalies of 'political affair estate Monaco and calls to make the interrogations, as people are informed about the facts, the brothers Tulliani, the same purpose, people who swear d 'I saw the chairman of the House in Monte Carlo, witnesses of the work in the apartment of Princess Charlotte.
For two members of The Right interrogation are obviously focusing on the role of prodromal Tulliani and in order to sub Fini, which to date has not yet given exhaustive explanations on Mysteries of the property bequeathed to the Countess Colleoni the good fight and finished no one knows how the availability of Giancarlo Tulliani.
order to avoid further havoc, moreover, calls for the immediate seizure of all property was inherited by Anna Maria Colleoni unrecognized association to the National Alliance.
The application is motivated by the "danger that the free availability of such property" could aggravate "or prolong the effects of the offense is prosecuted. To that end it is evident that the axis in question is hereditary including a prestigious apartment in Via Paisiello Parioli with 15 rooms, as to the property No on Boulevard Princesse Charlotte 14 in Monaco, would inexplicably vacant and unused for years, as from the inheritance. That being so, the party deliberately An renouncing to the benefits "contrary to what was the Marchesa Colleoni" which drew from the collection of the fee for that property locatizio much of its income. In any event, it calls for the implementation of the precautionary measure of real on the apartment Boulevard Princesse Charlotte No 14 in Monaco. " The request for seizure classification was "urgent" because the Corriere della Sera, just two days ago, gave that account «due in­quiline dello stabile» del Principato avrebbero riferito che«l’appartamen­to oggetto di indagine era stato posto in vendita».
L’Avvocato D’Andrea e ilConsigliere Buonasorte invitano poi il pm a investigare a fondo sul conto corrente cifrato di Giancarlo Tul­liani acceso in una banca di Montecar­lo. L’obiettivo è quello di capire, attra­verso una rogatoria mirata, se su quel riferimento bancario possano essere transitati denari della compravendita o comunque soldi riconducibili a even­tuali trattative di cui Tulliani potrebbe esser stato protagonista. «Non sfuggo­n­o ai sottoscritti denuncianti le difficol­tà in cui incorrerà la magistratura in­quirente nel reperimento delle prove di eventuali condotte criminose, es­sendo coinvolti ed interessati ai fatti og­getto di indagine: società off-shore co­stituite in «paradisi fiscali»già segnala­ti tali dall’Ocse; professionisti e broker tenuti al segreto professionale; alte ca­riche di Stato sia nazionali che interna­zionali; amministratori di società este­re e financo l’Interpol. Tuttavia- scrivo­no i rappresentanti della Destra – si ri­tiene che disponendo gli opportuni ri­scontri sulle movimentazioni banca­rie, si potrebbe dare un valido contri­buto all’accertamento della verità».Il conto cifrato risulterebbe, ad esempio noto, il nu­mero di conto corrente del Sig. Gian­carlo Tulliani (c/c n. 175 69 00017 900001 presso Campagnia Monega­sque de Banque) per essere impresso su una bolletta (pubblicata dal il Gior­nale ) relativa alla utenza elettrica del­l’appartamento di Montecarlo, inviata presso il domicilio dichiarato dallo stes­so presunto conduttore e cioè, presso la sede in Monaco della Timara Ltd., che coincide con il domicilio monega­­sco del Ssignor Walfenzao, già procura­tore per l’acquirente Printemps Ltd. del primo contratto di compravendita del­l’immobile de quo ».

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