few days after the scoop on the house of Monte Carlo two members of the Right in disbelief the revelations shocked the Journal valuable piece of heritage on the environ-countess Colleoni sold out by An offshore company in the Caribbean and then finished in the availability of the brother of the President of the Chamber, presented a first exposed to the Carabinieri. In doing so forced the Rome prosecutors to open an investigation for serious fraud investigation, which now proceeds with the handbrake on with no means am willing to question Tulliani Giancarlo, who said in regards the possibility of selling the property Monaco in a society of knowledge. Now the same leaders of The Right, Mark D'Andrea and Roberto Buonasorte, have returned to the office to report to prosecutors for purposes of investigation, As brought out not only by the Journal from July 27 to today. In forty-page supplement to the complaint-lawsuit recounts the many, too many anomalies of 'political affair estate Monaco and calls to make the interrogations, as people are informed about the facts, the brothers Tulliani, the same purpose, people who swear d 'I saw the chairman of the House in Monte Carlo, witnesses of the work in the apartment of Princess Charlotte.
For two members of The Right interrogation are obviously focusing on the role of prodromal Tulliani and in order to sub Fini, which to date has not yet given exhaustive explanations on Mysteries of the property bequeathed to the Countess Colleoni the good fight and finished no one knows how the availability of Giancarlo Tulliani.
order to avoid further havoc, moreover, calls for the immediate seizure of all property was inherited by Anna Maria Colleoni unrecognized association to the National Alliance.
The application is motivated by the "danger that the free availability of such property" could aggravate "or prolong the effects of the offense is prosecuted. To that end it is evident that the axis in question is hereditary including a prestigious apartment in Via Paisiello Parioli with 15 rooms, as to the property No on Boulevard Princesse Charlotte 14 in Monaco, would inexplicably vacant and unused for years, as from the inheritance. That being so, the party deliberately An renouncing to the benefits "contrary to what was the Marchesa Colleoni" which drew from the collection of the fee for that property locatizio much of its income. In any event, it calls for the implementation of the precautionary measure of real on the apartment Boulevard Princesse Charlotte No 14 in Monaco. " The request for seizure classification was "urgent" because the Corriere della Sera, just two days ago, gave that account «due inquiline dello stabile» del Principato avrebbero riferito che«l’appartamento oggetto di indagine era stato posto in vendita».
L’Avvocato D’Andrea e ilConsigliere Buonasorte invitano poi il pm a investigare a fondo sul conto corrente cifrato di Giancarlo Tulliani acceso in una banca di Montecarlo. L’obiettivo è quello di capire, attraverso una rogatoria mirata, se su quel riferimento bancario possano essere transitati denari della compravendita o comunque soldi riconducibili a eventuali trattative di cui Tulliani potrebbe esser stato protagonista. «Non sfuggono ai sottoscritti denuncianti le difficoltà in cui incorrerà la magistratura inquirente nel reperimento delle prove di eventuali condotte criminose, essendo coinvolti ed interessati ai fatti oggetto di indagine: società off-shore costituite in «paradisi fiscali»già segnalati tali dall’Ocse; professionisti e broker tenuti al segreto professionale; alte cariche di Stato sia nazionali che internazionali; amministratori di società estere e financo l’Interpol. Tuttavia- scrivono i rappresentanti della Destra – si ritiene che disponendo gli opportuni riscontri sulle movimentazioni bancarie, si potrebbe dare un valido contributo all’accertamento della verità».Il conto cifrato risulterebbe, ad esempio noto, il numero di conto corrente del Sig. Giancarlo Tulliani (c/c n. 175 69 00017 900001 presso Campagnia Monegasque de Banque) per essere impresso su una bolletta (pubblicata dal il Giornale ) relativa alla utenza elettrica dell’appartamento di Montecarlo, inviata presso il domicilio dichiarato dallo stesso presunto conduttore e cioè, presso la sede in Monaco della Timara Ltd., che coincide con il domicilio monegasco del Ssignor Walfenzao, già procuratore per l’acquirente Printemps Ltd. del primo contratto di compravendita dell’immobile de quo ».
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