Monday, February 28, 2011

How To Finalize Magnavox

No compensation to the deputy sued for damages after the parliamentary question.

The precise sentence no 4196 of 21.02.2011, issued by the Third Civil Division of the Supreme Court.
will not be compensated for the former deputy who claimed he was not reelected for the damage to the image suffered after being dragged before the civil court.
Congressman, in fact, can not rely on the rest of the injury referred to in Article 2043 CC, which concerns an unlawful act that is offensive decorum of the person. Mr
and honor is not mired in civil summons by which an individual or a company asking the trial judge to determine whether the offense was committed
the lawmaker, even if defamatory, should or should not be parted under 'Article 68 of the Constitution.
The fact that Congressman (or Senator) to qualify for a cause of subjective
not be punished no effect on the objective wrongfulness of the act challenged.
In short: you can not turn the allegedly defamed defamer
in safe just because it รจ rivolto al tribunale contro il parlamentare.


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