nuclear nuclear meeting tomorrow, blocked the video misleading
Oggetto: venerdì 25 febbraio seconda riunione comitato laziale "VOTA
SI' per fermare il nucleare"
Car* tutt*,
come sapete venerdì scorso c'è stata la prima riunione del comitato
territoriale laziale "VOTA SI' per fermare il nucleare". In tale sede
è stata approvata la proposta di formare tre gruppi di lavoro per
organizzare le attività. The groups are:
1) group action (which should have the widest possible visibility
, and even reach the "non-professionals")
2) group web communication and press office
3) group materials (posters , posters, flyers.
update in this regard: the national secretariat confirms that they are operating in
preparation materials will be transmitted to the regional committees
. Then the group in question could address
of specific materials on the situation of Lazio)
All actually still interested in serving on the Committee Lazio
are therefore invited to communicate as soon as the names of who is available
to participate in the three groups.
The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, February 25 at 18.30
at the headquarters of the Environmental Forum, in St. Ambrose 4 (
near the Synagogue of Rome).
by that time the groups will begin their activities.
Greetings and Friday, for the territorial committee
Lazio 'Vote yes' to stop nuclear
Giovanna Tinè giovanna.tin @
cell. 347 7291377
Locked spot Nuclear Forum. Oath is misleading
News - February 22, 2011
The ad sponsored by the Nuclear Forum is misleading. We have now terminated, but now has added to our opinion that the jury Advertising dell'Autodisciplina who asked not block the airing of the spot.
The ad, broadcast in December on all national television, he used the metaphor of the chess game in which two opposing visions clash: a pro-nuclear and the other against it.
The apparent intention was to promote an open and unbiased debate on the nuclear issue. The real trick was instead of the ad was trying to drive a clear opinion by creating a pronuclear injury.
Going to see who were the funders of the initiative - not cleverly declared in the ad - which is easy to see in the commercial mill wanted to shoot. Among the members of the Nuclear Forum, a formal 'Association non-profit, we find the well-known names in the nuclear industry: Enel, EDF (Electricité de France), Ansaldo Nucleare, Italy E. On ... It is they who have invested € 6 million needed to "stimulate" the debate in Italian homes.
Greenpeace's response in January respond with a counter spot and a website in which - without the need to hide our name - we will highlight the contradictions of the advertising campaign of the Forum.
In particular:
"The waste can be managed safely." And when? In sixty years the nuclear industry has not yet found a solution for long-term management of nuclear waste;
"Between 50 years we can not rely on fossil fuels. " True, but uranium is also limited;
"Renewables are not enough." Sure? A 100% renewable energy scenario is possible, as demonstrated by analysis of the EU and industry.
The video, launched on the web without heavy investment in advertising of the Nuclear Forum, the network has rebounded thanks to word of mouth, reaching 200,000 visitors. A good result for us, but nothing compared to the numbers achieved thanks to television.
The President of the Nuclear Forum Chicco Testa, known nuclearists Italian and former Chairman of Enel, said: "Our initiative is molto equilibrata. Dubito che una campagna pubblicitaria di Greenpeace, ad esempio, saprebbe essere altrettanto onesta intellettualmente».
A parte ogni considerazione sull'"onestà intellettuale" di Chicco Testa, vista la decisione del Giurì sarebbe adesso il caso di trasmettere anche il nostro spot in televisione, per avere un vero equilibrio nella discussione sul ritorno del nucleare in Italia.
Entra in azione
Il 2011 è un anno cruciale per fermare lo sviluppo del nucleare in Italia. Tra pochi mesi (la data non è stata ancora fissata) si terrà un referendum che può fermare i nuovi progetti di centrali nucleare per sempre. L'industria nucleare si sta già muovendo con un'imponente campagna pubblicitaria e di convincimento.
Non farti contagiare, opponiti al nucleare. Aiutaci a contrastare la propaganda nucleare: scarica la pubblicità, condividila sul tuo profilo Facebook, inoltrala per e-mail ai tuoi contatti.
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