Saturday, March 12, 2011

Competition Suits Templates

Rental and court lacked jurisdiction

Cass., Sec. Civ. III, Judgement 16 November 2007, No 23813

The Conduct of the process S. opposition against the proposed decree by which the magistrate in Milan had ordered the payment of a sum of money in favor of P., in reimbursement of the costs of drinking water to which the S. had obliged as presenter of a property locatogli by the counterparty.

The magistrate said the opposition as notified later than the end of Article. 641 cpc

appealed the S., pointing out that the opposition had been lodged within days. 40 notification of the decree by the application is filed at the Registry of giudice, vertendosi in materia locatizia per la quale si applicano le norme in materia di lavoro. Il gravame fu respinto dal Tribunale di Milano nella considerazione che il principio addotto dalla opponente sarebbe stato corretto se il decreto fosse stato reso in materia locatizia da un giudice competente; nella specie, invece, il decreto era stato pronunciato dal giudice di pace, incompetente a giudicare in quella materia, sicché l'opposizione doveva essere proposta con citazione innanzi allo stesso giudice di pace, al fine ottenere la dichiarazione di nullità del decreto, proprio perché emesso da giudice incompetente; la conversione del ricorso in citazione avrebbe potuto essere ammessa nel caso (non verificatosi in concreto) in cui il ricorso fosse been notified to the other party within days. 40.

appealed to the Supreme S. by two reasons. Responds with the response of P. The PG asked that it be dismissed, pursuant to Art. 375 cpc, as manifestly unfounded. The applicant lodged a statement to the hearing. Reasons for Decision

The first reason the applicant, allege infringement and false application of Article. 447 bis cpc, said that the opposition in question, having a claim that is alleged to have under the lease and being subjected to the ritual of work under Articles. 447 bis and 414 of the CPC, has been correctly presented in the form of action. Appeal, in this case was promptly filed in the Court within days. 40 notification of the order.

The second reason, the applicant complains that the vices of the grounds on which would be incurred by the judge.

The reasons, which may be examined jointly, are unfounded.

Opposition to injunction shall be referred by art. 645 cpc, in functional and binding, to the knowledge of the judge who issued the decree. Thus, opposition to the injunction issued by the magistrate must necessarily be given before the same judge.

Under Article. 316 cpc, in the courts of peace demand is proposed by a summons to appear at the hearing fixed.

The problem is referred to the Court is whether, if the magistrate had issued the injunction in the matter that is outside, its jurisdiction (in this case that locatizia) and in relation to which it is expected that the application is made by an appeal, the opposition to the decree must be brought by summons or an action.

The answer is in the first sense, because, in this particular case, the opposition must be brought before the same court that issued, although it lacked jurisdiction, the decree, the mere purpose of obtaining a declaration of invalidity of the measure monitors. Pronunciation, this constituting still operational, and functional competence of the mandatory appellate court (see this latest way to Cass. July 11, 2006, No. 15720, which ruled that the appellate court, if it considers that introduced the dispute with the opposition exiles from their own expertise to the subject, may refer the case back to the one held responsible and to decline jurisdiction because the question of jurisdiction as follows has no impact on evaluations, merit, about the legitimacy of injunction opposite, including the question of whether the jurisdiction of the court that issued the decree, with the result. declaration of invalidity del provvedimento monitorio).

Ne consegue che la domanda, diretta alla declaratoria di nullità del decreto, deve essere introdotta nella forma prevista per il giudice adito (nella specie, la citazione), non assumendo alcun rilievo che la particolare materia (in relazione alla quale il giudice di pace ha, benché incompetente, emesso il provvedimento monitorio) preveda che la domanda sia proposta mediante ricorso.

Quanto alla convertibilità del ricorso in citazione, essa è ammessa, purché il ricorso stesso sia notificato alla controparte nel termine di gg. 40 previsto dall'art. 641 c.p.c. (termine, nella specie, non rispettato).

In conclusione, il ricorso, siccome manifestamente infondato, deve essere respinto, ai sensi dell'art. 375 c.p.c, essendosi il giudice adeguato al principio secondo cui: l'opposizione al decreto ingiuntivo emesso dal giudice di pace in materia esorbitante dalla sua competenza (nella specie, locatizia) deve essere proposta, per la dichiarazione della nullità del provvedimento monitorio, innanzi allo stesso giudice di pace, in virtù della sua competenza funzionale ed inderogabile sancita dall'art. 645 c.p.c. In tal caso l'azione deve essere proposta mediante citazione (e non mediante ricorso, previsto, in via generale, per la particolare materia trattata), ai sensi dell'art. 316 c.p.c. L'eventuale conversione del ricorso in citazione è ammissibile, purché they meet the deadlines for reporting established by art. 641 cpc

The applicant must be ordered to retaliate the counterpart of expenses incurred in the proceedings of cassation, as awarded in the device.


The Court rejects the appeal and order the applicant to pay the costs of the proceedings of cassation, which liquid in total € 600.00, of which € 100.00 for expenses, overheads and accessories in addition to the law.

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Lawyers: The secretary dismissed has the right to mobility Ministry of Labour, questioning 08.03.2011

MINISTRY OF LABOUR AND SOCIAL polyreactions, 8 March, 2011 CHALLENGES, N. 10


the National Board of Advisors Lavoro
Via Cristoforo Colombo 456
00145 Roma

Alla Confprofessioni - Confederazione Italiana Libere Professioni
V.le America 111
00144 Roma

Prot. 25/I/0003178

Oggetto: art. 9, D.Lgs. n. 124/2004 – mobilità studi professionali individuali.

Il Consiglio Nazionale dell’Ordine dei Consulenti del Lavoro e la Confprofessioni hanno avanzato richiesta di interpello per conoscere il parere di questa Direzione generale in merito alla possibilità di iscrivere nelle liste di mobilità i lavoratori subordinati licenziati da studi professionali individuali.

Al riguardo acquisito il parere della Direzione generale degli Ammortizzatori Sociali e I.O., si rappresenta quanto segue.

In via preliminare, occorre esaminare la disciplina concernente la procedura di mobilità di cui agli artt. 4 e ss. della L. n. 223/1991, al fine di evidenziare i presupposti necessari per l’iscrizione dei lavoratori sospesi o licenziati nella lista appositamente compilata, analizzare i requisiti idonei alla fruizione della relativa indennità, nonché delinearne i limiti di applicabilità in relazione al caso di specie.

Risulta, altresì, opportuno, ai fini della soluzione del quesito proposto, richiamare l’attenzione sulle disposizioni di cui all’art. 4 L. n. 236/1993. Tale norma stabilisce infatti che “(…) nella lista di cui all’art. 6 comma primo della legge 23 luglio 1991 n. 223, possono essere iscritti i lavoratori licenziati da imprese, anche artigiane o cooperative di produzione e lavoro, che occupano anche meno di quindici dipendenti per giustificato motivo oggettivo connesso a riduzione, trasformazione o cessazione di attività o di lavoro (…) possono essere altresì iscritti lavoratori licenziati per riduzione di personale che non fruiscano dell’indennità di cui all’art. 7 della legge 23 luglio 1991 n. 223. L’iscrizione che non da titolo al trattamento di cui all’art. 7 della legge 23 luglio 1991 n. 223 deve essere richiesta entro sessanta giorni dalla comunicazione del licenziamento ovvero dalla comunicazione dei motivi ove non contestuale”.

The above rules and regulations, in other words, concerns the procedure for mobility for businesses with employment base under fifteen employees for which the requirements did not have any strictly required by the Articles. 4 et seq. Law No 223/1991 above.

The Standard, however, that the first entry in the list mentioned is not entitled to compensation for the use of mobility.

This allowance, as a measure of income support granted to workers made redundant following a collective dismissal procedure are concerned, under the combined provisions of art. 7 et seq. L. No 223/1991, no construction companies and operators seasonal activities, with more than 15 employees, or commercial enterprises within the scope of the extraordinary intervention of wage discipline.

in light of that provision that should therefore be noted that employers do not appear to qualify as professional studies within the categories of addressees of the mobility procedure of Rules of Law No 223/1991, nor does it appear they can be included, under a strict interpretation iuris, under the provisions of art. 4, paragraph 1, L. No 236/1993.

It is believed, however, want to read the last-mentioned rule to the effect conferred following the interpretation by the Court of Justice of European Communities on 16 October 2003 (Case C/32/02) with reference to the EU Council Directive 98/59/EC concerning the difference between the concept of law than the concept of entrepreneur Community employer. The case law states that the focus should be on a definition in the broadest sense of the employer, thereby overcoming the narrow scope of the concept of entrepreneur and the latter meaning any entity engaged in economic activity and is active on a given market.

In line with this approach of interpretation, it is believed that employers can qualify as professional be subsumed under the provisions of art. 4, paragraph 1, first indicated, although the rule explicitly refers only to "Business" and, therefore, that workers from these employees, fired for reduction of staff, are entitled to register for the mobility-called uncompensated.

On the other hand, the further question on the possible use for workers above the financial resources for the provision of social safety nets cd notwithstanding, for the perception of the benefit of mobility allowance notwithstanding, we provide the following specifications. Given that the

L. No 191/2009 (Finanziaria 2010) lays down that, with effect from 1 January, on the one hand to enhance the facilities already existing income support and other promote the reintegration into the labor market of workers unemployed, the discipline of the social derogation is reflected in regulatory Art. 2, paragraph 36, of L. No 203/2008, art. 19 L. No 2 / 2009, Conversion of Decree 185/2008 and Art. 7 b of L. No 33/2009.

The Legislature has decided to extend these measures with measures of income support to certain categories of workers normally excluded from the scope because of the reference sector, the company size or type of employment contract, the case of employers, including non-entrepreneurs, not entitled to the CIGS, or to companies that even with CIGS right to mobility or have already received over and above the limit.

These treatments may be granted with respect to all types of employment, with seniority at the same employer for at least ninety days, including apprenticeships and administration. This is clear from the provisions of article. 19, paragraph 8, No DL 185/2008 by which "the financial resources allocated to social security benefits at variance with the current regulations, also incorporated under the procedure provided for in Article 18 can be used with reference to employees in permanent and temporary, apprentices and workers administered.

the same article, paragraph 10a, has since ruled that "recipients to self-treatment referred to in Article 7 of Law No 23 July 1991 223 in the event of dismissal may be paid an amount equivalent treatment to the mobility within the financial resources allocated for the year 2009 to social security benefits at variance with the current legislation (...) ".

In relation to this provision the Legislature, under paragraph 6 of art. 7 b, also stated that, ensure uniform criteria for access to all forms of income support, even the workers targeted for the CIGS and mobility notwithstanding the rules relating to personnel requirements established for access to the same benefits granted in the ordinary way.

Therefore, as pointed out by INPS Circular No 75/2009, to qualify for disbursement of compensation in derogation of mobility is required, pursuant to Art. 16, paragraph 1, L. No 223/1991, the recurrence of an old business at least six of which at least twelve months been employed, including periods of absence from work resulting from accidents and holiday festivities, in Reports not completed, identifying as a benchmark for the provision of compensation to the date of dismissal. For the use of that allowance is also recalled that, pursuant to art. 19, Section 10 of Decree 185, is required by the worker as a statement of immediate availability for work or a course of retraining. "

That said, noting the legislature's choice not to further restrict the granting of the shock in question, it would therefore apply the rules in derogation of mobility, for disbursement of its benefits, to workers persons laid off for reasons of reduction of personnel by professional individual, provided all the conditions of a general nature outlined above, noting nothing in the form of individual legal entity or associated employers.


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Sabaudia: Lake Paola

Sabaudia, Lake Paola City Council rejected the appeal against the Park Authority
Updated: Friday, March 11, 2011 23:13 Written by Editor Dimmidipiu Saturday, March 12, 2011 9:00
Chronicle - Chronicle: LATIN
E 'was filed yesterday High Court's ruling on the appeal of the water by the city of Sabaudia against acts of the President of the Parco Nazionale del Circeo, recalling the implementation of a ban on sailing on Lake Paola, governing their use by establishing ways in which individuals and navigation was permitted.

The Municipality of Sabaudia, and not only the acts had claimed that these were abnormal, and therefore outside the competence of the President, were ineffective, arbitrary, illogical and detrimental to the jurisdiction of Comune.Il Court dismisses the appeal of the town and declare the action of the President of the Park is entirely legitimate, appropriate to the current standards, fully compliant with the function of the Park. It also clarified definitively and unequivocally that, as repeatedly claimed by the Park and the Ministry of Environment, to landscape the Landscape Territorial Plan having been recruited as safeguards are in effect considered as environmental constraints. In fact the Court considers "lacked substance" the exception of the municipality of Sabaudia on the ineffectiveness of the Landscape Territorial Plan n. 13 poiché questo è “da ritenersi ancora vigente sino all’approvazione del piano territoriale paesistico regionale che non consta in atti sia stato approvato”. Afferma inoltre la piena la correttezza del Parco nell’interpretare a “titolo prettamente ambientale” il PTP n. 13 che individua il lago di Paola quale zona di tutela integrale e ne riporta la funzione alla legge quadro sulle aree naturali protette.In particolare secondo il Tribunale rientra tra i compiti del Presidente del parco “fornire chiarimenti sul divieto di navigazione a motore nel lago di Paola” rientrando nelle sue funzioni anche “l’interpretazione di precedenti provvedimenti della regione e l’esercizio della potestà directive. " Therefore, the allegations of incompetence that have been raised against the President are "by failing". In relation to allegations raised by the city of Sabaudia on to the 'abnormal' acts of the president who would "surreptitiously turned a tie into a landscaped environmental constraints," the Court finds that the acts of the President find their "raison d'etre" because of the "minimum targets for environmental quality protected" that serves the needs of conservation "demand" al'Ente Park. So much so that according to the Court as the President has done "exemplary back when the ban on the framework law on protected natural areas "in the prohibition of the amendment" of the water system "when this" jeopardizing the preservation of the landscape and natural habitats protected. " After noting the efforts made by the park to regulate activities which may include navigation and leaving open the possibility of further agreements "with the local authorities in applying known principles of subsidiarity and loyal cooperation in the framework of the identification and prosecution of 'environmental quality objective "as required by the Environmental Code, the Court finds that in relation to navigation the measures of the President "shall be immune from censorship pinned" by the city of Sabaudia because they do not constitute "a general prohibition on use of boats with traction motor in contrast with the principles of free navigation." Also rejected the exceptions on the illogical acts and the alleged ineffectiveness of these compared to the city of Sabaudia because the Park Authority can certainly "ask the competent authorities that the requirements relating to the movement, including that of mirrors lake, to exercise the powers conferred on them by law enforcement including those to protect environmental values \u200b\u200bof the mirror lake. " Before reaching the above conclusions, the Court is incidentally also the theme of the legal nature of the waters by saying that the principle of so-called Galli Law of 1994, according to which all surface waters are public, should also apply to the Lake of Paola characters of the same basin. The Court observes that this principle was accepted and confirmed in 2006 by the Environment Code and states that "the public law regime of the waters would not be a barrier to non-registration on the lists of public waters" or the sale took place. "The law, as well as the powers of the Park were always very clear to us and then we had the certainty to be moved in the middle of legal legitimacy and fairness of the institution, "said President of the Park Gaetano Benedetto. "This whole incident has caused the loss of two years of time that otherwise could have been well spent in the plan and settlement procedures. The hope is that today, after she found a way of comparison with the town of Sabaudia, does not seek to bring the debate into the labyrinth of legal interpretations. Therefore, clarified roles and rules must now focus on the Park Plan and the Rules and invite all to consider how the Park Authority is enlivened only by public interest and as the references of our actions are always plan based on the correctness of the interpretation of the law and regulations. "" Given the text of the sentence, I feel obliged to repeat again and again, "said Benedict," that the jurisdiction of the Park planning and regulation is independent of land ownership. Plan and Regulations for the park, approved in the manner of the law providing for the involvement of Local Authorities and the Region, cover areas such as private and public, whether state, regional, provincial or municipal level. As stated in the ruling on the public nature of the waters of Lago di Paola is therefore irrelevant for the purposes of planning, focus attention and debate today on this point would divert attention and debate by the Plan and Regulations. I note the intention already expressed by the estate in Scalfati to use "says Benedict," and this leads me to believe that it is more urgent than ever to ask the Ministry of the Environment and the Region of Lazio take on the issue and avoid endless litigation that could put at risk as prescribed in the planning and regulation. Very pragmatically, it is therefore necessary that a public body to establish the value of the lake and then you tackle the issue of compensation of the owners or the sale of the lake itself through an amicable agreement to resolve all disputes in a peaceful manner. "

Sabato 12 Marzo 2011
Il lago di Paola è pubblico. E’ quello che si legge tra le righe della sentenza del Tribunale superiore delle acque con la quale si respinge il ricorso presentato del Comune di Sabaudia contro gli atti del presidente del Parco nazionale del Circeo, Gaetano Benedetto, che regolamentavano l’uso del lago stabilendo soggetti e modalità in cui la navigazione veniva ammessa. Ma la sentenza affronta anche il tema delle natura giuridica delle acque affermando che il principio della legge Galli del 1994, secondo cui tutte le acque superficiali sono pubbliche, deve also be applied to the lake of Paola basin for its characters. Principle already confirmed in 2006 by the Environment Code. The Court held that "public law regime that water would not be a barrier to non-registration on the lists of public waters" or the sale took place. A ruling will open new scenarios for sure and in fact reverses the current situation of the lake of Paola, which is then defined public water and private property. In light of the state-owned lake Benedict calls "extremely urgent request to the Ministry of the Environment and the Lazio Region to take the matter and avoid litigation without end" with the family Scalfati. The Communion of the heirs to the mouth of the administrator Scalfati unico, Andrea Bazuro, ha annunciato che impugnerà la sentenza del Tribunale superiore delle acque pubbliche di fronte alle sezioni unite della Cassazione. «La sentenza in esame non avrà alcun effetto fino a quando non si formi il giudicato sulla questione, il che avverrà solo a seguito della futura pronuncia delle sezioni unite – dichiara Bazuro -Fino a quel momento, la situazione di fatto e di diritto rimarrà invariata».

Lago pieni poteri al Parco
LE acque del lago di Paola tornano ad agitarsi. Il Tribunale Superiore delle Acque, nel respingere il ricorso del Comune Sabaudia against the ban imposed by the navigation of the Circeo National Park, on the sidelines of the ruling would reintroduce the question of ownership and legal status of the basin. The Court, in particular, argues that the principle of the Galli Law in 1994, according to which
all surface waters are public, should also apply to the lake of Paola. Principle is also incorporated in the Code of the Environment 2006 which states that the public nature
also applies in case of failure to register the lists of public waters or sale took place. So, in short, the lake of Paola, while
being private property, while still an area where the public interest is prevalent. But this is not the only point on which the Court
clear up any misunderstanding. Equally clear is the precise position on the powers of the Park. That, say the judges, shall have full jurisdiction over the lake of Paola contrary to what has been supported by the city of Sabaudia. Exceptions, those of the municipality, which are awarded by the judges as "lacked substance".
which is a response to those who, like the Province of Latina, opened fire and flames to delegitimize the Park and the president Gaetano Benedetto, guilty of opposing the mega project
Cusani which wanted to transform the lake into a sort of port , complete with a drawbridge in place of the existing benefit of yards Rizzardi and face constraints.
The Superior Tribunal of Waters responds to those who had just thought that something like this could be feasible. Benedict recognizes the president of his role in a legitimate way of regulations in the regulation of motor boats on the lake. Exact recall
Park, the environmental conditions imposed by the territorial landscape plan that identifies which area of \u200b\u200bthe lake to full protection. Acts and interpretations expressed in respect of the 'exercise of power of the Directive' in the Park. This response to those arguing that the agency was headed 'incompetent' in relation to the lake. "The law, as well as the skills you
Eni Park - says the president Benedict - were to we always crystal clear and so we were sure to be moved in the middle of legal legitimacy and institutional
correctness. " This whole affair, he said, "did lose two years of time that otherwise could have been well spent in procedures
plan and settlement. The hope is that today, after she found a way of comparison with the town of Sabaudia, does not seek to bring the debate
in the labyrinth of legal interpretations. "

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Telematic documents: the postal mail via the brand DPCM 14.12.2010, OJ 01.03.2011


mode technology to ensure the security, integrity and certification of the transmission electronic document which is associated with the brand postal mail. (11A02794)

(OJ No. 49 of 03.01.2011)


agreement with


view of the art. 33 of the Decree of the President of the Republic May 29, 1982, No 655 approving the Regulation implementing the postal code of the decree of the President of the Republic March 29, 1973, which provides for certain categories of items of correspondence to the marking of the date of the post office during collection;

Given the Legislative Decree 22 July 1999, No 261, implementing Directive 97/67/EC on common rules for the development of the internal market of Community postal services and to improve the quality 'of the service, as amended;

Visto il decreto legislativo 7 marzo 2005, n. 82, e successive modificazioni, recante il «Codice dell'amministrazione digitale» che disciplina l'utilizzo delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione al fine di garantire la trasmissione, la conservazione e la fruibilita' dell'informazione in modalita' digitale;

Visto l'art. 14 del regolamento di esecuzione delle decisioni adottate dal XXIII congresso dell'Unione Postale Universale (UPU) tenutosi a Bucarest il 5 ottobre 2004, approvato con decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 12 gennaio 2007, n. 18 modificativo, in parte, della Convenzione UPU, che definisce la marcatura postale elettronica come servizio postale opzionale fornito dall'operatore attests to the universal service in finding a convincing reality 'of an event in a given electronic form, in a certain time and which was attended by one or more' parts;

the Order of the President of the Republic on May 7, 2008, with which the Hon. prof. Renato Brunetta and 'was appointed Minister without Portfolio;

the Order of the President of the Council of Ministers on 8 May 2008, by which the said Minister without portfolio and' been given the responsibility for Public Administration and Innovation ;

the Order of the President of the Council of Ministers 13 June 2008 laying down the delegation of functions of the President of the Council of Ministers in the field of public administration and innovation on the Minister without Portfolio. prof. Renato Brunetta;

the Order of the Minister for reforms and innovations in public administration, in consultation with the Minister of Communications, on 21 January 2008 and, in particular, Article. 3, paragraph 1;

the Order of the President of the Council of Ministers of 30 March 2009 containing the "Technical rules relating to generation, and affixing digital signature verification and time validity of electronic documents;

Given the legislative decree 1 December 2009, n. 177, with which you and 'reorganized CNIPA (National Centre for ICT in public administration) that has taken the name of DigitPA;

Acquired the technical opinion of DigitPA (formerly 'National Centre for ICT in public administration);

proceedings are to information provided by Directive 98/34/EC, according to the law on June 21 1986, no 317;

Decrees: Article 1

Definition 1. For the purposes of this Ordinance and pursuant to art. 14 of the UPU Convention shall apply:

a) brand electronic mailbox, the service provided by postal operators confirming finding a convincing reality 'of an event in a given electronic form, in a certain time and with the participation of one or more 'parts;
b) document computer, the computer representation of acts, facts or data legally relevant;
c) time reference, the information containing the date and time, which is associated with one or more 'electronic documents.

Article 2

Technical Standards Reference

1. The brand postal mail and 'based on the technical rules of the UPU standard S43.

Article 3

Features brand electronic mailbox

1. The association of the brand to an event e-mail postal represent and warrant that: a) the unique time reference in relation to the date and time the event has 'occurred, b) the integrity' of the data and related documents event in which the brand electronic postal mail refers.

2. The electronic postal service marking guarantees the sender and the recipient of electronic communications:

a) to have proof of receipt by the manager and the forwarding to the recipient through a unique time reference;
b) verifying the integrity ' of electronic documents transmitted.

3. The electronic postal service marking ensures interoperability 'at international level in relation to the standards dictated by the UPU.

4. Checking the integrity 'of the electronic document and which' was associated with a brand electronic mailbox is in the manner ' published on institutional DigitPa.

5. The brand electronic mailbox is a time reference enforceable against third parties relating to acceptance and at the transit system operator.

6. The operator of electronic postal service marking may 'provide the sender who requests certification of the initiation of the message to the recipient.

This Order and 'sent to the competent supervisory authorities and published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic.

Rome, December 14, 2010.

Minister for Public Administration and Innovation Brunetta
The Minister of Economic Development Romans

Registered at the Court of Auditors 7 February 2011.

Ministries Institutional - Prime Minister's Office, Registry No. 3, sheet No 143.

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aggravated liability case : applicability of Article 96, para. 3 cpc

the single judge of the Court of Rovigo-Sec. seconded by Dr. Mauro Martinelli Adria-December 7, 2010 with the sentence was pronounced on the proper interpretation and application of Article. 96 cpc

Below is the text of the sentence.

Court of Rovigo

sub-office of Adria

Judgement of December 7, 2010

... omission ... Reasons for Decision

RR and AG acted against DC art. CPC 669 g to obtain a finding that it had never "had or exercised servitutis simultaneous possession" (which supposedly should be understood as "not corresponding to the right of servitude") on plaintiff's property and consequently withdrew its possessory issued forth by the Court on 7-11 May 2009.

The defendant objected, calling for the condemnation of the actors within the meaning of art. Code of Civil Procedure 96 (giving up being due to the application for an order pursuant to art. 614 bis cpc).

However, first of all as it should be noted from the known case of United Sections (Cass., ON, February 24, 1998, No 1984) the possessory proceedings has been considered bi-phasic, caratterizzato da una prima fase sommaria e da una seconda di merito, entrambe aventi ad oggetto lo stesso accertamento, ovvero la lesione di una situazione di possesso.

L’interpretazione nomofilattica è stata recepita anche dalla recente novella del codice di rito (l . n. 69/2009), la quale semplicemente ha reso eventuale la fase di merito (art. 703, IV comma c.p.c.) prendendo consapevolezza del fatto che nella prassi il più delle volte l’emissione dell’ordinanza interdittale è idonea a comporre il contrasto sorto in relazione ad una situazione di fatto.

Gli attori, dunque, avrebbero dovuto nel termine di sessanta giorni dal provvedimento che aveva deciso sul reclamo proposto dagli stessi sig.ri R. and G., file an appeal in the Registry of this deciding authority, has instead decided to introduce the case by writ of summons, pursuant to the provisions of artist's. 669 g Code, under which has nothing to do with the process owners, because the reference made by art. 703, paragraph II, the so-called protective uniform ritual requires an express provision that defects in that field, which as I said there.

In any case, applying the constant jurisprudence of conversion of form, in essence, it is considered timely since the introduction of the trial, the case was registered under (July 23, 2009) before the expiration of sixty days the communication of the order of complaint (June 28, 2009).

the merits, we observe that the complaints raised by the plaintiffs have already been duly considered interdittale the order issued by this authority on 7 May 2009 in Case No. 163/08 (produced by the same plaintiff): the existence of a real possession relevant to the exercise of the right of way less (for more peaceful until the start of the acts of disruption in by Messrs R. and G), inhibition of the same by affixing a bar, the invalidity of the exception to forfeiture under the determination of the starting point dalla scoperta del non funzionamento della chiave consegnata per aprire il lucchetto posto a chiusura della sbarra (ottobre/novembre 2007), la volontarietà di impedire a D. C. di utilizzare il passaggio (c.d. animus spoliandi).

Sarà, dunque, sufficiente richiamare per relationem il provvedimento citato - integralmente confermato in sede di reclamo - per destituire di fondamento le ragioni attoree riproposte in questa sede.

Tuttavia, giova argomentare sul punto essenziale (per non dire unico) della dispiegata azione: la necessità o meno che il possesso tutelato con l’azione di spoglio sia pacifico (e ciò a prescindere dalle ragioni indicate nella richiamata ordinanza, in virtù delle quali il possesso was peaceful until the start of verbal harassment and physical impediment to the next step implemented by today's players).

not only the claim of irrelevance of the requirement for the use of Pacific art. 1168 cc used in the prevailing law of legal and technical specifications (see Cass., October 7, 1991, No. 10,470: "In the possessory proceedings is relevant solely to the facts existing at the time of the examination and of the disturbance, with the result that The experiment of the re-integration is sufficient even if possession any unlawful or abusive or bad faith provided they have the character or appearance of property rights in rem and power in fact, not been exercised by mere tolerance of the person entitled "Cass., June 15, 1991, No 6772; Cass., May 15, 1998, No 4908; it should be noted that the assertion is not denied even by Cass., December 22, 2004, No 24026, where the mere reading of the maximum would believe it was necessary to the requirement of the Pacific, while the adjective seems to refer to the fact that it was peacefully annexed to the operation of a situation corresponding to the right "sufficient and necessary for eligibility and the recognition of the merits of the same actions as designed to protect only a de facto relationship with a person one thing, although characterized by mode Typical operating costs are only, therefore, the deduction and detection, respectively, of an enduring, voluntary and conscious conduct by the plaintiff, at the time of the examination or dislocation, of use of the property he has the character appearance of that of the holder of a right in rem (see: Cass., sec. 11, sent. May 15, 1998, No. 4908, Cass. Civ., sec. ^ 2, sent. July 5, 1997, No. 6093 ).

For the purposes of its protection, there is, also, that the possession have satisfied the requirements for adverse possession (see: Cass. Civ. Sent. ^ 2, sent. February 15, 1984, No. 1139, Cass. Civ ., sec. ^ 2, sent. January 23, 1982, No 1139) and is expressed in concrete acts of continuous use well, provided that the owner can restore the ad libitum period (see: Cass. Civ., sec. ^ 2, sent. November 11, 1997, No. 11119), and, since it counts with the animus expressed by normal and inherent ' exercise of de facto power over the thing, it is for those who dispute the possession of documents proving the existence of tolerance or licenses that apply to exclude it (see: Cass. Civ., sec. ^ 2, sent. May 23, 2000, n . 6738; Cass. Civ., sec. ^ 2, sent. April 13, 2000, No. 4810, Cass. Civ., sec. ^ 2, sent. July 5, 1999, No 6944), but comes from reading codicistiche provisions.

Article. 1140 cc does not indicate possession of the requirements of the "peacefulness", nor does the art. 1168 cc, which governs the instrument of protection, art. 1144 cc excludes possession corpore retaining or if the result of acts of tolerance of others, implicitly pointing in the opposite direction, such as the apprehension of the possession of the item can be also occurred against the will of the holder (this fact is a causal justification in its historical reason recognition of possessory protection: it cives ruant to weapon), art. 1163 cc deny that having acquired a violent or illegal purposes dell'usucapione can benefit, if not the date of cessation of violence or harassment, which confirms that the ownership can also be purchased in a violent and illegal and can be legitimately tutelato con l’azione di reintegra.

Per tale ragione la domanda è infondata: il convenuto ha esercitato il possesso corrispondente al diritto reale di servitù di passaggio.

Merita altresì accoglimento la domanda riconvenzionale di condanna al pagamento di una somma equitativamente determinata per responsabilità aggravata, ai sensi del’art. 96, III comma c.p.c.

La disposizione recentemente introdotta nel nostro ordinamento prevede che il Giudice possa applicare anche d’ufficio, in assenza di una domanda, alla parte soccombente la condanna al pagamento di una somma equitativamente determinata.

Si tratta di una disposizione che prescinde totalmente dal danno subito dalla parte; It is therefore legitimate to attribute nature of a penalty of a public nature, because it aims to punish the conduct of the case of the party which violates the constitutional principle of due process duration (for affect not only the length of a single process, but also on all other chain) incorporating an abuse of process or a distortion of the purposes recognized by Article 24 of the Constitution (the fact that the money is paid to the counterparty does not affect the legal nature of the penalty and interest publicistic protected).

Article. CCP 88 is thus an additional sanction than the art. 92, paragraph I, the second recorded in a circular inserting cpc sistematica dagli articoli 91,92 e 96 c.p.c.

La determinazione della natura giuridica è assai rilevante per individuare successivamente i criteri ai quali parametrare la somma di denaro liquidata dal Giudice, posto che la norma non dà alcun tipo di riferimento. È opportuno altresì osservare come l’istituto in esame si ponga in termini di tensione con il ripetuto indirizzo giurisprudenziale che nega la compatibilità costituzionale dei cosiddetti danni punitivi (Cass., 19 gennaio 2007, n. 1183; si ricorda, tuttavia, come nel regolamento comunitario n. 864/2007, il considerando n. 32 escluda l’ammissibilità di una norma comunitaria che determini un risarcimento del danno senza funzione risarcitoria per contrasto internal public order only in case of excessive punitive damages, not excluding the legal institution tout court).

should therefore check what requirements for the application of the provision in question.

According to a strict reading, justified by the danger of a reading of the provision is incompatible with the Constitution for vagueness, the conditions of applicability of the third paragraph would be those first two. This position is based in particular on the fact that together with the introduction of the provision in question was repealed Art. 385 Code of Civil Procedure, which provided that the decision on costs the Court of Cassation, also office could order the unsuccessful party to pay to the counterparty an amount actually determined not exceeding double the maximum tariff, if it believes that the action or the constitution to defend the defendant had been put in place with gross negligence. This interpretation, therefore, considers that the reform has sought to extend the provision repealed to the Order as a general principle.

According to a more acceptable - also based on the different terminology in the draft lexical Mastella and the Decree-Law amending then converted into Law 69/2009 - it is considered that the phrase "in any case" has a broader meaning behave according to the first two paragraphs of Article 96 CPC: This is also consistent with the alleged independence of the case (in any case, when ruling on costs in accordance with Article 91 ") and diversity of legal (damages the first two paragraphs, the third penalty). However, to avoid even in this case concerns the constitutionality of vagueness, and to prevent the judge may always freely apply the aforementioned penalty if he loses, it seems appropriate to limit the applicability of the provision in those activities that are attributable to the subjective by way of fraud or gross (not serious), or to conduct negligente che ha determinato un allungamento dei termini del processo (in questo senso di è pronunciato il Tribunale di Terni, 17 maggio 2010 e anche Tribunale di Varese, 27 maggio 2010).

Nel caso di specie la colpa emerge chiaramente dall’aver pervicacemente contrastato il diritto riconosciuto a D. C. di passare per l’unico accesso esistente per giungere alla propria abitazione anche a seguito dell’accoglimento della domanda possessoria, nonché dopo la conferma in sede di reclamo, senza darvi attuazione spontaneamente e introducendo irritualmente un giudizio di merito fondato su un solo presupposto di diritto (la non pacificità del possesso tutelato), infondato in fatto ed in diritto.

I criteri di determination of the amount outstanding, under the given penalty, may be obtained from the intensity of the subjective (intentional and negligent possessory impractical measure of the introduction of these proceedings) and the severity of the conduct of abuse of process and the impact on its duration (the defendant for three years did not have access to his property).

Based on these parameters is paid the sum of € 5,000.00.

The costs of litigation, as well as paid in the device, following the negative outcome.


the single judge of the Court of Rovigo - sez. detached Adria - in the person of Dr.. Mauro Martinelli, any further applications exception, or deduction disregarded instance, definitely in Case No. RG 183/2009, hereby orders:

a) reject the plaintiff's application for listing of instances of inquiry;

b) reject the requests made by RR and AG against DC;

c) conviction within the meaning of ' art. 96, paragraph III of the CPC, RR and AG to pay the sum of € 5,000.00 in favor of DC;

D) ORDER RR and AG to pay the costs of litigation incurred by DC for fees paid in € 1304.00 and € 1420.00 for fees, as well as general expenses of 12.5% \u200b\u200bVAT and the CPA as required by law.

Adria, December 7, 2010.

Dr. Mauro Martinelli

Why Dvd Is Not Fullscreen On Hdtv

Pontinia is public, it is the referendum committee

also Pontinia March 26 referendum will be the Committee to encourage participation and return rights for drinking water, against the nuclear nightmare and return equality of citizens, at least before the law.
not yet been established to date. That likely is June 12. The government's latest attempt to try to disrupt the quorum moving to a time when schools are closed, hoping the weather is fine and the first holiday of the Italians is obvious. Equally it is clear that the government does not care about public savings of € 3 million to 400 million that could be combining the date of the referendum in the first round (15 and 16 May) of the municipal elections, only interested in returning to the absurd nuclear power. But also encourage speculation of private companies that manage the water with cynicism and inefficiency. Not to mention the only objective government (other than speculation) to save the prime minister by more and more processes, with charges increasing in severity.
The date chosen is that time of the Earth (The WWF's biggest global event: every year more than a billion people in over 120 countries around the world symbolically turn off the light for one hour. The goal of Earth Hour 2011 institutions are involved, citizens and businesses to go "Oltrel'ora" engaging not just turn off the lights during 'Earth Hour but also manifesting through various actions or through eco-tips, the commitment to the planet. The citizen that renunciation of 'car free day a week, a school to install solar panels on the roof, a common building bike paths, and every little action helps to protect the only planet we have. For more information Pontinia contributed with enthusiasm and hundreds of signatures for the conduct of the referendum. Saturday, March 26 will be invited associations, political parties (those in favor of the citizens and not those in favor of companies), the social and citizens to join the committee secretary. To download the material on the water referendum
Pontinia March 12, 2011 Ecology and territory Giorgio Libralato

Why Are There A White Scaley Spot On My Skin

nuclear dramatic news from Japan

Dear, are
Kyoto, lontana dalle zone sismiche, e incollata
alla tv sia per l'ansia e le apprensioni che per voglia di
sapere davvero come stanno le cose.

Trovo interessante vedere i vari canali che parlano
del guasto alle centrali nucleari di Fukushima provocato
dai sismi.

Vorrei riassumere per voi velocemente e a caldo - perdonate
l'italiano disordinatissimo ! - cio' che possono essere ormai
considerati i fatti ma magari non vengono trasmessi correttamente
in Italia:

I 7 reattori delle centrali nucleari di Fukushima sono stati
fermati automaticamente dopo la prima scossa grave.

Ma, di alcuni reattori non ha funzionato il sistema
del raffreddamento and hold the soaring
The internal temperature did not know how to fix
the reduction of cooling water.
Finally, the government ordered the manager to give the water of the sea
not to leave open the reactor, which, however, 'according
various experts, the future would mean the renunciation of the use of the reactor;
why' and 'bad for the cylinder, put the unclean water.
(This points out the situation was not foreseen by the designers of Central

regards the inhabitants, the authorities'
have first decided to evacuate the surrounding area of \u200b\u200b3 km, then with the passage of time
, have widened the distance from 10 km to 20 km. Oddly
extension and the latter 'took place contempranea
with the declaration of the authorities' (the government) not to have found the casting of the cylinder
it 'the registration of radioactivity
' abnormal.

In reality ', before the outbreak and the collapse of the building containing the reactor
No 1 (the most 'problematic among 4) in the afternoon
today, was recorded at the site until 1015 of
microsievert per hour,
an alarming figure, equivalent to an annual maximum tolerance
to humans.

A channel - which shows more 'skeptical
statement before the government is more' close to the earthquake victims given the number 'of information
more than many other channels - has sent a news
not yet heard on other channels:
from a control and 'radiation exposure
recorded by people who were waiting for the arrival of relief when outdoors
c' and 'was this outbreak (about 3 km from the site).
They measured 3 people about 90 and all three have collected the data
alarming (not Sievert, 100 000 cpm of a
and 30 or 40 thousand from the other two), a quantity 'that requires the body to accurately unlavaggio
do not get sick (but there 'to worry
also of internal exposure.

All this and' success reactors declared "the most 'safe', exceeded all
stringent seismic testing in 2009. A

you pull the evaluation.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do Females Tatoo Their Genitals

Veronesi unnatural

Veronesi unnatural

BUT' ability to create CONFUSION ... NOTICE ...
behind there 'any personal interest ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. Among other things

Veronesi has openly declared himself in favor of GMOs must be overcome for "superstitious fears aroused by the innovations." As well as appeals in favor of nuclear power, also to "avoid the lack of consapevolezza su questi temi causi "paure ingiustificate", "timori vaghi e confusi" che hanno già ostacolato molte altre scelte strategiche per lo sviluppo dell´Italia.”
Ma la sua è scienza o è solo qualche personale interesse, ad esempio, nella Genextra che investe in biotecnologie!!!
Come si spiega quindi il suo articolo pubblicato da La Repubblica (28-01-2011), intitolato “Agrumi, pomodori e uva - ecco la dieta che ci salva”, se non l’ennesimo tentativo di creare confusione ?
“La ricerca scientifica sta scoprendo molecole che hanno una funzione protettiva e sono tutte contenute nei vegetali e nella frutta.
Circa gli agrumi già sapevamo che, grazie all’alto contenuto di polifenoli, sono capaci sia di agire direttamente sulle cellule tumorali, che di incrementare il potenziale anticancro di altre sostanze presenti nell’alimentazione. La novità sta negli antociani (le sostanze che danno il colore rosso alla verdura e alla frutta) che, nei modelli animali, allungano la vita e proteggono dall’obesità. RECENTISSIMI STUDI stanno ora esplorando l’azione degli antociani delle arance rosse e STANNO CONFERMANDO CHE, PER SVOLGERE LE LORO FUNZIONI, DEVONO ESSERE CONSUMATE AL NATURALE. LE LAVORAZIONI INDUSTRIALI DISPERDONO I LORO POTERI.”
Fin qui potrebbe sembrare un “naturalista” accanito che finalmente “scopre” quanto da sempre dicono studiosi come il Dott. Giuseppe Nacci.
Vedi il libro on-line, liberamente e gratuitamente scaricabile da INTERNET "Mille Piante per guarire dal Cancro senza Chemio" Ediz. febbraio 2011
Ma poi Veronesi si riprende e, dopo un intero articolo in cui spiega gli effetti protettivi di molecole che si trovano NATURALMENTE IN FRUTTA E VERDURA, nelle ultime righe ci spiega cos’è per lui NATURALE: “la genetica, svelando i misteri più intimi della natura attraverso lo studio del DNA, ci aiuta a scoprire il suo ruolo di “protettore naturale” della nostra salute.”
Che confusione !!!
It is easier to squeeze citrus that already contain polyphenols naturally anthocyanins-who already play their role more naturally rather than having maybe a GM product with a DNA changed little course that could alter and instead cause damage in those mechanisms that we accommodate and protect? consumatori/2005/05/msg00068.html
the Corriere della Sera of Monday, May 23, 2005
"Damage to the rats fed on GM crops'

Who wish to learn:
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------

January 28, 2011 - page 23 Section: Commentary
Umberto Veronesi

---------- --------------------------------------------------
--------- Personal interest?
September 24, 2005 - Sabina Morandi
Source: Source:
Greenplanet September 4. net, the computer network of the biological active since '95, public on its website an article entitled "Why is pro Veronesi ogm?", from which emerge disturbing connections. It turns out that the Foundation is directly involved in Genextra Veronesi, a holding company that invests in start-ups in the field of biotechnology and pharmacogenomics.
Veronesi, vice-chairman of the board of directors, the Genextra is in good company. Are part of the consortium's family Micheli (Francesco Micheli, said "Franz the Fox" has made a name for creating and supporting Colaninno nell'assalto to Omnitel Telecom), Diego Della Valle, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Banca Intesa, Banca Popolare Milan, Interbanca, Marco Tronchetti Provera, Salvatore Ligresti and Emilio Gnutti. "The capital "to quote the article verbatim Greenplanet" belongs to the 4.4 per cent to the Foundation Umberto Veronesi, for the 12.4 per cent in the "team science" (linked to schools conducted by Veronesi), at 0.2 per cent to 'European Institute of Oncology (provided Veronesi), for 26.2 percent of the family Micheli, for 56.7 per cent to financial investors and 0.1 percent for the UK company Cancer Research Technology Limited. "
's why, asks Greenplanet, the former minister who has always shown a keen fan of GM? The question remains unanswered.

Frustration Card Game Rules 2 Decks

Pontinia, gas turbine on the substance of the TAR

further and further the goal of the Pontine plain with incompatible systems (centrali a turbogas e a biomasse progettate nel nucleo industriale di Mazzocchio – Pontinia). Mentre non si hanno più notizie del progetto della centrale a biomasse (dopo il parere negativo dal punto di vista sanitario del sindaco e dopo che il progetto è stato trasmesso dalla Provincia alla segreteria della presidenza del consiglio dei ministri e da questa alla Regione Lazio) bocciato pure dal TAR di Latina, anche il progetto della turbogas è fermo da 2 anni. Non si sblocca in alcun modo la questione del rischio di incidenti rilevanti. Né è stata mai data alcuna spiegazione o rassicurazione in merito agli indubbi problemi del gasdotto (ammesso che non si vogliano procurare incidenti in materia accaduti un po' ovunque negli ultimi anni con decine di morti). Quella, invece, sull'elettrodotto ha fatto arrossire i geologi per la mancanza di risposte sostenibili. Dopo la bocciatura del RIR del comune di Pontinia (la delibera di programmazione territoriale e urbanistica per prevenire il rischio di incidente rilevante, RIR appunto) da parte del TAR e del Consiglio di Stato la stessa è stata riapprovata venerdì dal consiglio comunale di Pontinia recependo tutti i suggerimenti (di metodo, perchè sul merito il TAR prima e il consiglio di stato poi, avevano già dato ragione al comune di Pontinia) delle stesse sentenze. Resta da vedere se la società proponente la centrale a turbogas ha ancora interesse a riproporre lo stesso progetto oppure se, come vorrebbe la logica, si adeguerà al desiderio and spatial planning, local planning. In other words if he wants to be with the citizens rather than against. Perhaps suggesting, as it did in many other cultures in Lazio and Italy (and it is not clear why he thought so far instead of punishing the citizens of the province of Latina and Pontinia in particular) with photovoltaic systems. Maybe just on the roofs of buildings owned by the municipality, schools, public lighting system. Once entrepreneurs were lit for the progress and welfare.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Why Does My Desktop Screen Looks Blown Up

judicial activity in the absence of "potestas iudicandi" that produces the absolute invalidity of the proceedings, which extends to the decision by March 8

Civil Cassation, sez. II, Case No. 4410

23/02/2011 Supreme Court


Judgement of 3 February to 23 February 2011, No 4410

(President Triola - Rapporteur Carrato)

Conduct of case

Following appeal against the injunction n. 98/2003 proposed by VS against TM (registered at NRG729/2003), the magistrate of Rovigo, in sentence no 139, 2005 (filed February 21, 2005) stipulated under Article. 113, paragraph 2, Code of Civil Procedure, the opponent must pay on the contrary (such as creditor ingiungente) the sum of Euro 450.00, the balance for the purchase of a security door installed on September 5, 1996, partially offsetting the costs.

against the above sentence, which was served June 9, 2005, appealed to the Supreme TM (notified July 4, 2005 and filed July 21, 2005) based on a single plea of \u200b\u200bdeduction of the absolute lack of judicial authority, on the assumption that the magistrate who had investigated and decided the dispute, dr. G.. M. , After taking possession in the first appointment on April 3, 2000 (under Decree 27 March 2000), decaying to exercise his duties April 3, 2004, only to be subsequently confirmed in the same April 26, 2004 (by virtue of Ministerial Decree of 21 April 2004), had continued to unlawfully exercise its functions even in the time interval between 3 April 2004 and April 26, 2004, proceeding in the prosecution of the case which education the decision under appeal and, in particular, holding the hearing on April 5, 2004 during which it had rejected a request for relief of the defender of T. for the production of documents. As with much, asking the Court to declare null and void the entire proceeding No 729/2003 and, consequently, also declares void or annul the contested decision. The VS do not notice it is at this time.

Reasons Decision

1. With the only reason given to the applicant - to be deduced as shown also by the narrative - has raised the vice of nullity of the proceedings (in writing to the NRG 729 / '03) celebratio before the magistrate of Rovigo, dr. G.. M. And the consequent invalidity of the sentence handed down to his lack of success for the "potestas iudicandi" head in the same court in the time interval - during which he continued to practice the courts (taking issue with the hearing of judicial proceedings involving the non-acceptance of demands made in the interest of the applicant) - elapsed between the end of his first four-year term (April 3, 2004) and the beginning year (April 26, 2004) of the judicial office for the second term for which he was re-elected.

1.1. The reason (also cited in relation to art. 161, paragraph 1, Code and eligible to be considered even though filed against ruling of the magistrate issued an equitable basis, pursuant to paragraph 2 of art. 113 of the CPC, in the previous regime changes in legislative decree no. February 2, 2006, No. 40, since the introduction of a defect on the case: see, for all, Cass., ON, January 14, 2009, No. 564, and Cass., sect. II , May 13, 2010, No. 11638), is unfounded and must therefore be upheld and the ruling of the cassation appeal.

1.2. First, should precede the illustration of some considerations on the regulation regulated directions regarding the figure and the "status" of the justice of the peace.

The primary legal framework concerning the procedure for the appointment and confirmation of justices of the peace is established in Articles. 4a, 5 and 7 of the Law of 21 November 1991, n. 374, as well as art. 20 of the Law of 13 February 2001, n. 48, related to the extraordinary one-time confirmation. These legislative provisions (which must be added to additional sources of secondary importance, as the circulars of the Supreme Council of Magistracy, cf. Eg., On the subject, the circular CSM July 30, 2002) outline the procedural path to detect the substantive requirements che devono essere posseduti dagli aspiranti alla nomina ed alla conferma. In particolare, il procedimento di conferma risulta essenzialmente strutturato nei seguenti passaggi:

1) domanda dell'aspirante alla conferma;

2) acquisizione del giudizio di idoneità all'esercizio delle funzioni reso dal Consiglio Giudiziario in composizione integrata;

3) deliberazione del C.S.M., costitutiva dell'effetto giuridico e vincolante rispetto al successivo decreto ministeriale (cfr. Cons. Stato, sez. IV, 22 marzo 2005, n. 1144; Cons. Stato, sez. III, 24 agosto 2004, n. 8480);

4) decreto del Ministro della Giustizia, che esterna la volontà provvedimentale del C.S.M. in materia di status of judges. In this regard it is noted that, even today, the appointment and confirmation of justices of the peace as honorary judges compete, indeed, to the Minister pursuant to art. 4 bis, paragraph 1, of Law 374, 1991 (see Cons. State, sect. IV, November 6, 2007, n. 5729).

With regard to personnel requirements, the legal framework that provides for usage: 1) the candidate, not only in the election but also the confirmation, possesses qualities of independence, balance and prestige derived from these legal and cultural experience make him worthy to perform the functions of court fees (see, Cons. State, sec. Ili, January 23, 2001, n. 2073);

2) these skills are assessed primarily by the CSM attraverso l'acquisizione dei pareri redatti dai capi degli uffici di Tribunale e di Procura, nonché dal Coordinatore dei giudici di pace;

3) l'idoneità alle funzioni, requisito necessario autonomo ai fini della conferma, sia oggetto specifico del parere reso dal Consiglio giudiziario e venga accertato sulla scorta dell'esame a campione delle sentenze e dei verbali d'udienza, nonché della quantità statistica del lavoro svolto.

L'art. 5, comma 3, della citata legge n. 374/1991 specifica che la nomina deve in particolare cadere "su persone capaci di assolvere degnamente per l'indipendenza e prestigio acquisito...le funzioni di magistrato onorario". Da tale contesto può, quindi, desumersi che anche independence and prestige of office are numbered among its requirements for the appointment of honorary judges, constituting a feature essential for those who exercise judicial functions, and not being able to shrink those requirements to the subjects listed in paragraph 1 of the same rule ( relating to the possession of Italian nationality and qualifications, lack of criminal history, the physical and mental fitness to hold between the ages of 30 and 70 years, cessation of employment of any employee, possession of certificate of competency to practice law, not special exceptions) (see Cons. State, sect. IV, July 16, 2007, n. 4017).

Just because the assessment of the merits of the CSM to direct injection or confirmation in his role as justice of the peace is not limited to the establishment of formal requirements, but it's just once, on the basis of a wide discretion to investigate the ability of candidate, the degree of independence and prestige, as well as its professional preparation, it is objectionable only to the extent of ab externo manifest abnormal and illogical as well as the misrepresentation of the facts (see Cons. State, sect. IV, 28 January 2008 , No. 270).

Under the Administrative Court has also clarified that the council refused to confirm in his role as peace has not, however, disciplinary nature, and can, therefore, apart from verification of subjective culpability of specific adverse events attributed to the person (see Cons. State, sect. IV, 14 April 2006, n. 2126; Cons. State, sec. III, 23 January 2001, n. 2073). Having to institutionally prevent any situation detrimental to the function to be given, the CSM can therefore take account of any element that could result in actual adverse effect on the image of the magistrate honor: in this perspective, the denial of confirmation, therefore, does not require proof of full ' been compromised well protected, since this tool can also be used when the prestige of the Office is only jeopardized.

As with the given arguments show that the measure of confirmation in his role as justice of the peace can not be reduced to a mere acknowledgment of the existence of the original appointment and the simple acknowledgment of service and lack of any obstacles to continuing the engagement, by contrast, is confirmed in the final act of a whole new procedure paraconcorsuale (see, in this sense, Cons. State, sect. IV, 29 January 2008, No 270, cit.), which has no connection with the original nomination, and does not constitute, therefore, to continue, subject to the priority given by law to examine applications of the aspirants to the same confirmation (and therefore the new entrustment) than those who could not boast a previous post in place. Although the justices of the peace confirmed continue to play without apparent interruption of their functions at the same locations, they are obliged to submit applications for re-appointment and are - as highlighted - subject every time a re-evaluation about the possession of the mentioned subjective and objective requirements of Article 5 of the Law of 21 November 1991 (see Cons. State, sect. IV, July 12, 2007, n. 3970). In substance, the justice of the peace lasts four years but, after four years, has the right to request to be maintained for a similar period. At the end of secondo quadriennio egli può ancora essere confermato per un ultimo quadriennio, sicché la durata ordinaria massima dell'incarico si può protrarre per dodici anni. A tal fine, il giudice di pace è tenuto a presentare, almeno sei mesi prima della scadenza dell'incarico quadriennale, domanda di conferma diretta al C.S.M. e al Presidente della Corte di appello nel cui Distretto è compreso l'ufficio per il quale la conferma è richiesta. Durante l'esame dell'istanza la sede dell'aspirante alla conferma non si considera affatto vacante, così spiegandosi la disposizione contenuta in apposita circolare del C.S.M. (del 1 agosto 2002, n. P-15880/2002) secondo la quale le domande di conferma devono essere valutate con priorità rispetto applications for admission to the training and transfer to another office.

Asked follows a period of investigation by the Judicial Council district, the outcome of which the body makes the same opinion and forward it to the MSM, which occurs, depending on the confirmation, the permanence of the basic requirements needed to produce the appointment. In the event of a positive finding, the measure of confirmation, made by the plenum of the CSM is incorporated in the decree of the Minister of Justice. There may be, is not uncommon for pathological and delays in the process of confirmation, a break between the end of a four-year period and the beginning of the next. In such cases, if this procedural path ends favorably the magistrate, he remains in the right to exercise in full four-year, so the calculation is made for the new period from the date of taking possession of his new ministerial decree on the basis of confirmation - as previously pointed out - take effect constituent in relation to the continuation of the engagement. It follows that the interval between a four and one, pending the confirmation process must be regarded as unlawful the exercise of any activity by the judicial magistrate has not occurred until the new release for possession on Commons intervening issuance of the aforementioned Ministerial Decree (which can not recognize any effect retroactive).

1.3. In the light of the foregoing considerations, overall, it is indisputable that the dr. M. - As an assignee of the justice of the peace process to which this appeal the ruling, the first four-year appointment expired April 3, 2004 and had re-entered for the second term, in its capacity (in the same office) April 26, 2004 under the ministerial decree of confirmation of the April 21, 2004 (as inferred from statements obtained from the Administrative Office and the Office of the President of the Court of Rovigo) - has exercised, without the necessary endowment of its function, the 'judicial activity during the interval between the end of the first four and the beginning of the second, celebrating, in particular, the hearing on April 5, 2004, which was not limited to a mere postponement of the hearing, but had done so on specific instances of inquiry of the parties , including a request (rejecting) of the appellant to obtain a referral in accordance with art. 184 bis cpc, applicable at that time.

so doing (which, therefore, refrain from exercising judicial functions pending reappointed and taking possession of the new office, during which the judge should have informed the coordinator of peace - or even a competent President the Court - Of that fact in adopting any measures of organizational role assigned to him), dr. M. judicial review has worked in the real sense of ownership of the inherent defect in function, thereby engaging in an activity affected by a type extraformale absolute nullity. In other words, the exercise of the function in total lack of judicial authority has determined the configuration of a radical nullity of the proceedings from the moment when the business case was conducted "on non judice", as such inappropriate "ex if" to achieve the purpose and rilevatale office, as well as being deductible as a ground for appeal (as is, in fact, occurred in the specific case). The void - it (see, eg. Cass., ON, March 17, 2004, No. 5414, on the hypothesis of participation in the decision of a magistrate without the "potestas iudicandi" on account of its quality or appointment) , in terms of legal status, to that arising from the establishment of the court (under Article. 158 CCP), as due to the lack of a requirement of existence of the power exercised (the accused, indeed, to persons who lack legitimacy according to the functional ' judiciary and, therefore, temporarily outside it) - is, therefore, classify in the category of invalidity extraformali absolute and incurable (except judges). It applies the principle of the extension of Article. 159, paragraph 1, Code of Civil Procedure (see, for references, Cass., Sec. III, December 3, 2007, No. 25185) reported to the subsequent acts and employees, so even the sentence, as a measure affected by nullity derived as a result of assumed business case must be considered flawed which are inextricably linked and on which the decision itself was based on the definition of the dispute, without, therefore, that play no role in the fact that the magistrate, when he had to issue the decision itself, it was again placed in the exercise of judicial office as a result of supervening confirmed in the for the next four years.

1.4. Ultimately, depending on the reasons set out (and the rule of law under which enucleation the magistrate holding the judicial office after the expiry of the mandate pending the confirmation of the first new release for possession for the performance of the next assignment could be the lack of judicial activity "potestas iudicandi" that produces the absolute invalidity of the proceedings, which extends to the decision result), we must reach the acceptance of the application, hence the decision under appeal with the Supreme referral to the office of justice of the peace of Rovigo, in the person of another magistrate, who will anche sulle spese del presente giudizio.


La Corte accoglie il ricorso e rinvia, anche per le spese del presente giudizio, al Giudice di pace di Rovigo, in persona di altro magistrato.

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Pontinia, gas turbine new attack of Goliath to David

Tomorrow at the TAR of Latin America will be held the hearing on the appeal of the town of Pontinia RG 831/2010 for the annulment of the measure del Ministero dell'Interno – Vigili del Fuoco – Comitato Tecnico Regionale (CTR) emesso il 1/3/2010 prot. 3657 che può essere inteso ai fini della compatibilità territoriale e ambientale in base al D. Lgs. 334/1999. La società proponente il progetto della centrale a turbogas (oggetto della nota impugnata) nella sua memoria al 1. punto dichiara inammissibile il ricorso da parte del Comune di Pontinia perchè lo stesso comune sarebbe privo del RIR (lo strumento di pianificazione territoriale e urbanistica obbligatorio per i comuni dove sono ubicati gli stabilimenti a rischio di incidente rilevante come Pontinia dove sono ubicate Sud Gas spa e Nuova Oter srl) in seguito alle sentenze del TAR di Latina e del Consiglio di Stato. Al 2. punto la stessa società eccepisce l'inammissibilità del ricorso, per mancanza di lesività del provvedimento impugnato, trattandosi di atto endoprocedimentale. A supporto di tale affermazione sembra che la società proponente intenda la nota del CTR “contenente chiarimenti a carattere procedurale” in ordine alla competenza del CTR che può rilasciare pareri solo all'interno della distanza di m 730 dalla Sud Gas spa.

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Pontinia missing tomorrow water

Interruzione a Latina e Pontinia 10/03/2011 - venerdì 4 marzo 2011

Si informa che, al fine di permettere urgenti ed indifferibili lavori di riparazione sulla condotta adduttrice proveniente da Sardellane, in Via Migliara 46, nei Comuni di Latina e Pontinia, si make an interruption of water flow from 11:00 to 17:00 Thursday, March 10, 2011.

Areas affected by the interruption are:

For the City of Latina: Full City and included Borgo San Michele Borgo Faiti, except Sabotino Borgo, Borgo Montello and Latina Scalo. There may be a drop in pressure of water flow in Borgo Carso and Borgo Podgora. For the City of
Pontinia: Full City.
expected normalization of the service at 17:30, barring unforeseen circumstances which I shall promptly informed.

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Pontinia: Nock left

After passage of the announced Bilotta right (Policy 2 ovens or who I am going to pay better has been invented by Craxi Casini has just copied) in the list to think there will be much Tombolillo mayor right (two components of the majority as well as former directors of the junta Mochi). Consequently, the left is thinking about its own list to the municipalities.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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Sexual harassment in the barracks, soldier complaint 3 more

Una volontaria dell'Esercito, impegnata in varie missioni, anche all'estero, ha presentato una denuncia alla magistratura ordinaria ed a quella militare contro tre superiori, due ufficiali ed un sottufficiale, che l'avrebbero fatta oggetto nel tempo di ''numerosi atti di molestia sessuale''. Tra i superiori denunciati, c'e' anche una donna che, nel corso di una missione all'estero, avrebbe preteso di coinvolgere la soldatessa in un rapporto sessuale di gruppo with two foreign soldiers and that he would then mobbed in revenge for the rejection received. But not only. The young corporal, a Muslim, has also reported to have been violated in his religious feelings being specially''controlled''to participate in Catholic religious services, for example as' the chorus of the Christmas ceremonies. The news of the complaint, the fund announced by the site Security and Defense, and 'was confirmed to ANSA by the office of the soldier, the lawyer Giorgio Carta.
facts, and as' we could rebuild would have occurred, partly in Sicily - where he served the soldier, an Italian citizen, but the daughter of non-residents on the island - e in parte in Kosovo, dove la giovane era in missione circa due anni fa. Le denunce sono state presentate alla procura della Repubblica di Catania e alla procura militare di Napoli. Secondo, la vicenda ''sarebbe stata invano rappresentata ai superiori dei tre comandanti denunciati, ma la soldatessa non sarebbe stata creduta ed anzi avrebbe ricevuto l'invito a lasciar perdere''. La soldatessa si sarebbe convinta a denunciare tutto alla magistratura ''solo dopo che era stata ignorata anche la sua semplice richiesta di essere impiegata in una caserma diversa da quella dei tre molestatori''.

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Massacre Viareggio, via a maxiperizia

Tra gli indagati i vertici del Gruppo Fs

LUCCA - E' iniziata nell'aula del tribunale di Lucca Lucca specially set up at the Exhibition and Convention Centre, the first hearing evidence in accident investigation on the massacre of Viareggio on 29 June 2009 resulted in 32 deaths.

suspects are 38 and 349 civil parties, including, most importantly, the victims' families, who have hired a coach to be present. This morning, the investigating judge will entrust the task to two expert witnesses and injured parties nominate their advisors. It will then set the date of the beginning of the probative true, when we dissected and analyzed parts of the train that derailed and the stretch of railway scene of the accident. Among the top suspects in the FS group, including the CEO Mauro Moretti, and those responsible of the companies owning the train or carry out maintenance or assembly of the wagon derailed: the company GATX, the Cima di Mantova and the Hanover Jugenthal.
RED RISK LIMITATION JUSTICE REFORM -''Today begins the trial for the massacre of Viareggio. Besides the families of the victims we will be there: and the Region 'claimed damages. I hope that justice take its course and do it soon. With the reform that the government there wants to adopt 'the risk, if the process will last' more 'for two years that the crime of manslaughter fall into multiple prescription.'' The states, on his Facebook profile, the President of the Tuscany Region, Enrico Rossi. This morning, the courtroom specifically of Lucca staged at the Exhibition and Convention Centre Lucca, and 'first began hearing evidence in accident investigation on the massacre of Viareggio on 29 June 2009 provoked' 32 dead.

FATHER, no one can 'MAKE MY FAMILY -' an important day but basically nothing changes. No one will return my wife and my children. "Piagentini said Marco, who was burned on 95% of the body for 29 June 2009 explosion that caused the massacre of Viareggio. Piagentini lost his wife and two children, 5:02 years. He survived a third son, Leonardo, who is now 10 years. Piagentini Marco is now at Lucca Exhibition and Convention Centre for the start of the probative investigation of Attorney Lucca on the massacre. "Leonardo's fine - it is limited to explaining Piagentini - but for all developing what we experienced and we are living is not easy." These days should give birth Iby Ayad, 23, became the Moroccan girl between the symbols of the massacre: lost father, mother, brother and sister. Iby in recent years has received Italian citizenship and is married. Just this week should give birth. "It 's a key day - said Daniela roar of a group of relatives of the victims - Start a new road and painful. We ask that you arrive early in the process and avoids short processes or requirements brief that could mess up a lot of work" . The mayor of Viareggio Luca Luna, was also present in Lucca, said he expected "concrete and rapid responses. Only when we will weep for our dead." REPORT ON RESULTS

November 2 - It 'set for Nov. 2 hearing in which experts appointed by the investigating magistrate of Lucca will explain the survey results that will be carried out on the wagon train derailed and part of the scene of the massacre in Viareggio . And 'as determined at the end of the first hearing evidence in the investigation of the incident by the prosecution to Lucca. About 200 people, including prosecutors, investigators, experts and families of the victims this morning came to the fair and congress center Lucca where the hearing took place. After defining the questions they should meet the experts, it was established that on April 21 in Lucca in court there will be a technical meeting to identify the place and timing of investigations. One of the lawyers for the families of the victims spoke of "an atmosphere of great collaboration" between the parties. Daniela Rombi, the association of families of the victims we are the world, said she was reassured by seeing "a strict judge," and from accepting requests by the plaintiffs. Then again, commenting on the lack of suspects, said: "On one hand are happier but shows that have not the courage to look in his eyes."

Monday, March 7, 2011

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Pontinia with Resolution No. 9 of the municipal council on March 4 has become a nuclear-free town with its own rules (a variant of planning) that prohibits this type of system:

24)-Factories and plants where they are produced, employing or keeping explosive substances classified as such by regulation implementation of the Consolidated Laws approved by PS RD May 6, 1940, No 635, and subsequent amendments and additions as well as organic peroxides.
25) Exercises-minute sale of explosive substances referred to ministerial decrees 10.18.1973 and 09.18.1975 and subsequent amendments and additions.
75), institutes, laboratories, establishments and departments that are made, even occasionally, scientific research or industrial activities for which radioactive isotopes are used, equipment containing such substances and ionizing radiation generating devices (Article 13 of Law 31 - 12-1962, No. 1860 and Article 102 of Presidential Decree 13.2.1964, n. 185).
76)-Businesses with possession of radioactive substances (Chapter IV of Presidential Decree 13.2.1964, n. 185).
77) Garages-held firms di autorizzazione permanente al trasporto di materiali fissili in speciali e di materie radioattive (art. 5 della legge 31-12-1962, n. 1860, sostituito dall’art. del D.P.R. 30-12-1965, n. 1704).
78)-Impianti di deposito delle materie nucleari, escluso il deposito in corso di spedizione.
79)-Impianti nei quali siano detenuti combustibili nucleari o prodotti o residui radioattivi (art. 1, lettera b) della legge 31-12-1962, n. 1860).
80)-Impianti relativi all’impiego pacifico dell’energia nucleare ed attività che comportano pericoli di radiazioni ionizzanti derivanti dal predetto impiego:
- impianti nucleari;
- reattori nucleari, eccettuati quelli che facciano parte di un mezzo di trasporto;
- facilities for the preparation or manufacture of nuclear material;
- facilities for the separation of isotopes;
- facilities for the processing of irradiated nuclear fuel.

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common nuclear-free nuclear medical "with the atom Italy risks death

Now who tells him to the Regional Forte?
Physicians 05/03/11: 'With the atom Italy risks death "
' quote:: 05 Mar 11, 22:31:11»
05:03:11 Source: http://www.terranews. com /
Physicians: "With the atom Italy risks death"
Ernesto Burgio, Angelo Baracca
NUCLEAR. After the interview with La Stampa Umberto Veronesi ('is the energy of the future'), members of the ISDE Scientific Committee dispute the thesis oncologist. "From him, omissions and superficiality."

The interview with Umberto Veronesi La Stampa left stunned by the complacency with which the teacher lets go to claims without scientific support, the risk of trivializing a very complex subject and condition with its own "authority" to review public, increasingly forced to endure the attack of the powerful media lobby nuclear. We can not reply in a few lines here and in the long series of questionable statements made by the professor in the field: we will restrict ourselves to challenge some of the passages of what looks like una superficiale apologia della fonte energetica in assoluto più dispendiosa e pericolosa per la salute umana.

Una fonte che non alleggerirebbe in alcun modo la dipendenza dal petrolio, poiché oggi solo il 5% dell’energia elettrica è generata con questa fonte, che è usata per la maggior parte nei trasporti e nell’industria e non può essere sostituita dal nucleare, con cui si produce solo energia elettrica. Tanto più che negli ultimi 10 anni, in Italia, è stata installata nuova potenza elettrica equivalente a ben 12-15 reattori nucleari (ed ulteriore potenza è in attesa di autorizzazione), senza che questo abbia portato alcun beneficio agli utenti: perché produrre elettricità nel nostro paese è oggi soltanto business e l’eventuale “ritorno” al nucleare sarebbe un enorme business di pochi a danni di molti. è inoltre probabile che l’uranio si esaurirà prima dei combustibili fossili, ai ritmi di consumo attuali (per cui è assurdo parlare di centrali in grado di operare per 60 anni): figuriamoci poi se vi fosse un rilancio del nucleare.

Ma per fortuna anche questa è una colossale favola. Basterebbe leggere i più autorevoli giornali internazionali per sapere che la strombazzata rinascita nucleare non esiste, a causa dei costi fuori controllo, dei problemi, delle incognite, dei ritardi nei tempi di costruzione; che gli Usa hanno in costruzione un solo reattore (un secondo è stato deleted), while in Europe the only two under construction (in Finland and France) carry a thousand obstacles, which have already caused a doubling of costs and time. The bleak future that

Veronesi paints in the absence of nuclear worries not countries such as Austria, Denmark and others, which exclude the use of this source and link energy self-sufficiency with renewable sources (those sources that Europe is strives to develop and our Government, with larger and more suspicious that punctuality, strives to provide a disincentive). instead it is known to all the experts that both Germany and France, are opting to extend the operational life of existing reactors, a very choice rischiosa, perché l’invecchiamento aumenta le probabilità di incidenti (è stata segnalata un’anomalia all’impianto d’emergenza in ben 34 reattori francesi, in funzione da 30 anni, che potrebbe rendere insufficiente il raffreddamento in caso di incidente, e causare fino alla fusione del nocciolo!) anche perché il bombardamento neutronico mina le strutture.

E infatti gli incidenti alle centrali sono in aumento in tutti i paesi (altro dato che il Professore evidentemente non conosce o trascura): al punto che persino in Francia, che rappresenta nell’immaginario collettivo il paese del “grande consenso” al nucleare civile e militare, stanno crescendo i dubbi e le ansie, dopo che some television services which have failed to disclose the details of the bleak picture of radioactive contamination of the territory.

But the most disarming is the ease with which one who defines the editor of La Stampa of Italy's most famous doctor considers the biological and health effects of radioactivity. A serious nuclear accident can contaminate an entire hemisphere, and yet Veronesi "liquid" with a few bars even the catastrophe of Chernobyl, so alongside these "nuclear" than to face a tragic reality, consisting of a ghost town and thousands of cases sure to childhood cancers against thyroid and bone, are still capaci di sostenere che le vittime del disastro sarebbero poche decine.

Dimenticando che scienziati e ricercatori di chiara fama, che hanno dedicato la loro vita a documentare gli effetti di una nube radioattiva che ha colpito non solo URSS, Ucraina e Bielorussia, ma l’Europa intera, parlano di un milione di vittime! Come può un oncologo accettare di dirigere un’Agenzia per la Sicurezza del Nucleare, ignorando o trascurando questi studi? Come può il professor Veronesi non sapere che già negli anni ’90 solo in Bielorussia e Ucraina i casi accertati di carcinoma infantile della tiroide furono quasi 1000 (con un incremento di 30 volte e addirittura di 100 volte nelle zone più vicine a Chernobyl). Come può non sapere che da alcuni anni aumentano, in molti altri Paesi europei, le segnalazioni di incrementi di leucemie infantili direttamente correlate alla dispersione di isotopi radioattivi del cesio che permangono in ambiente e catene alimentari per decenni?

Come può un oncologo di chiara fama non sapere che alcuni ricercatori russi hanno pubblicato, su riviste prestigiose come Science e Nature, i risultati di studi e ricerche che dimostrano come i figli dei cosiddetti “liquidatori” di Chernobyl, siano portatori di alti tassi di mutazioni: un dato che può chiarire non soltanto i dati, lungamente contestati, concernenti l’incremento di leucemie in bambini nati da genitori residenti nei dintorni di impianti nucleari inglesi, ma also and especially the alarming results of a recent German study, known by the acronym Kikko (Kinderkrebs in der Umgebung von KernKraftwerken, childhood cancer around nuclear power plants), who described 1592 cases of solid tumors (most of them from embryos ) and 593 childhood leukemia in children under 5 years old, living in the years 1980-2003 in the vicinity of the 16 central Germany.

Especially as important scientific studies documenting the release of radioactive isotopes (tritium, krypton, etc.) in environment and food chains during the normal operation of power plants and the introduction of radioactive material via food in small daily doses, is with likely la modalità di esposizione più pericolosa, anche perché collettiva e difficilmente valutabile. E infine il “banale” problema dei residui nucleari, che costa ancora agli italiani 400 milioni di euro l’anno (almeno 10 miliardi dal 1987, e chissà per quanti anni ancora).

Come può il professore non sapere che nessun Paese al mondo ha ancora trovato una soluzione per il problema delle scorie nucleari e che depositi geologici sicuri esistono solo nell’immaginazione di alcuni “nuclearisti”; che Yucca Mountain dopo decenni di lavori e milioni di dollari spesi è stato definitivamente accantonato, e gli americani non sanno più dove mettere gli enormi quantitativi di combustibile esausto sparsi in una settantina di siti; che nel deposito di Asse in Germania si sono trovate (solo ora !) infiltrazioni d’acqua che minacciano un vero disastro e richiederanno spese colossali per il recupero e il trasferimento (dove?) dei fusti.

A questo proposito, in verità, il professore una soluzione la propone: sostiene che si tenderebbe a individuare un unico sito per Continente e che, per fortuna, l’Italia non sarebbe stata individuata quale sito ideale di questo stoccaggio. Speriamo che chi ha dato queste informazioni al prof. Veronesi non intendesse far riferimento a quella che taluni soggetti prospettano come l’unica soluzione possibile per materiali che rischiano di inquinare l’intera ecosfera per millenni (non è certo consolante il fatto che il continente designato a discarica planetaria non sarebbe in tal caso né l’Europa, né il Nordamerica). è facile prevedere che nei prossimi giorni si scateneranno le critiche contro un “oncologo famoso” che non si perita di fare affermazioni pubbliche tacciabili quantomeno di leggerezza.

Alcuni probabilmente arriveranno ad accusarlo di inconfessabili conflitti d’interesse (in questo caso particolarmente gravi, visto il ruolo di garante della salute pubblica che il professore ha accettato di ricoprire). Noi siamo convinti che molte delle cose che abbiamo elencate il professor Veronesi non le sappia davvero e che ciò sia comprensibile in una persona che non si è mai occupata of this matter. But we are also convinced that the continuing in such a state of "ignorance" is dangerous and could seriously affect the shape of a famous physician, says that even at this interview as his absolute certainty that the risks to health are minimum, and you want to spend the next year to ensure that citizens do not take any risks.

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Ferrario discriminated rejected

Legal journalist now be reinstated. The chronicler is the best gift I could receive.

Tiziana Ferrario was discriminated against. The Court of Rome, Labor Section (President Lucio Di Stefano, Mimmo John Rapporteur) dismissed the complaint against the order proposed by Rai on 28 December last year had ordered the reinstatement of Tiziana Ferrario host of tasks in Tg1 and sent to major events. They announced the journalist's lawyers and lawyers Giovanni Domenico Nicola d'Amati. Even the order

collegial, as that of the previous judge, would have identified, according to lawyers, and of violating the professionalism of the journalist is the discrimination suffered by you: "There are circumstantial elements that converge uniquely in a finding that the movement of workers from the job of presenter of news is to be charged rather than to actual organizational requirements for a retaliation will be placed in the top of the drawing in order to punish dissent expressed by the journalist against the editorial line at the printed news from the director. "Rai Now" no longer has any pretext for not implementing the decision of the Judge ", have pointed out again the journalist's lawyers and lawyers Giovanni Domenico Nicola d'Amati," if need be, who is stubborn in non-execution of the Court will be called to answer for yourself in the competent fora. "

" It is the most beautiful gift I could receive for the celebration of 8 March, after months of painful loneliness and humiliation as a woman. "So the Tg1 journalist consulted on the decision of the Court of Rome, Section job has rejected the complaint brought against the Rai ' ordinance on December 28 last year had ordered his reinstatement in the job of presenter of Tg1 and sent to major events. "The satisfaction I feel at this moment - adds a journalist - I share with many colleagues and that the Tg1 Rai are in the same situation as me. "Ferrario noted:" Twice the Labour Court has confirmed that I was discriminated against and I feel a great relief to see recognized my right to work and above all my right to be able to express my thoughts, including a disagreement with the editorial line that does not respect pluralism, as it prompted a public service television news. "But, the writer concludes," must be clear that this is not Tiziana Ferrario is the problem, but it is everyone's problem, because the defense of press freedom and completeness of information in the public service can not be seen as a personal battle, but it is a battle that involves everyone and requires a ' decisive collective action. "

Rizzo Nervo, Ferrari is reinstated with relief -" The judges' decisions are respected and also apply when you do not share. "He says the Board Member Rai minority Nino Rizzo Nervo, on the decision of the Court of Rome, which has rejected the Labor Chamber complaint against the order proposed by Rai on 28 December last year had ordered the reinstatement of Tiziana Ferrario tasks in conducting the Tg1 and sent to major events. "And that - says Rizzo Nervo - is even more the entire share capital in a company to the public and licensee of a public service to prevent further economic damage resulting from failure to comply with an order." Now that observes the adviser of the Board "in a panel, the Court also dismissed the appeal of Rai, Tiziana Ferrario must be replaced with the highest priority." Rizzo Nerve announced Thursday that it will ask the Board of Directors that, "in its protection, will have to engage, if necessary by a resolution, the Director General to that effect. The order of the Court of Rome, the section of the work, then puts - cocnlude the board of directors - a problem that the Board can not ignore: the personal responsibility of those managers who have acted, as stated in the reasons, 'willingness to' retaliatory have exposed the company to litigation resulting in actual damage and ascertainable "