Crac Cirio: pm, 15 and 8 years Cragnotti Geronzi.
's conviction Sergio Cragnotti to 15 years in prison and Caesar Geronzi to 8 years and 'was sought by the prosecution at the trial for the crash from € 1,125 million (largely made up of bonds) of Cirio.
In total, the prosecution asked the sentencing of 31 defendants, for a total of 221 years, and a society '. For all defendants, with the exception of Michael Casella, and 'have advocated permanent exclusion from public office, and disqualification to the exercise of a commercial enterprise and inability' to pursue executive positions in any company for a period of ten. The company cited by the prosecutor and 'Dianthus SpA and why' the request was written by a fine in the amount of 300 shares.
Other requests convictions include: 8 years for Riccardo Bianchini Riccardi, Chiacchierini Ernesto, Alfredo Gaetani, Paolo Nicolini, Ettore Quadrani, Vittorio Romano, Francesco Scornajenchi; to 6 years for Emma Benedetti, Tomaso Farini, Mauro Luis Pontes Pinto E Silva, Grazia Scartaccini Lucio Velo, Gianluca Marini, Scordo Annunziato, Francesco Maria Matrone, Angelo Sommaruga Francesco Fanti, Peter Celestine Locati, Remo Martinelli, Giovanni Benevento and Ambrose Sfrondini; 4 years for Michael Casella.
The defendants are mostly managers of the companies of the Cirio group, at the time (2003), bank officers and employees of Cragnotti. At the end of the limitation period prescribed in the prosecutor called the crime of fraud concerning three suspects. This is Sebastiano Baudo, Angelo Brizzi and Alberto Giovannini. The process is being celebrated in the courts of the First Criminal Chamber of the Court of Rome.
GERONZI LEGAL: He recognized FAIR COURTS - Defenders of Cesare Geronzi, lawyers Ennio Amodio and Paola Severino, said they were confident that the courts will go beyond 'the''implausible presumptions contained in an indictment made generic and unmotivated'' pm from Cirio now in the process, with the request for a sentence of eight years' imprisonment for the banker, thus recognizing its correctness. ''Even when the client and 'strong and vital - say the legal Geronzi -, banks should cultivate the logic of suspicion and predict disastrous results even if they are convinced that a company is in good health. And 'This is the thought which inspired the indictment of the prosecutors in the process Cirio, the' prospect where responsibility 'criminal outside the circle of directors of the Group''Cragnotti.
''In this way, but '- add lawyers and Amodio Severino - changes the physiology of the claim in a condition of funding, an attitude that the evidence gathered by the Court of Rome rather convincingly ruled out.'' The judges''will certainly go beyond 'these implausible assumptions contained in an indictment general and unsupported. So can 'recognize that all managers of the then Bank of Rome, beginning by its Chairman Cesare Geronzi, which, however, had no specific powers in the matter, acted with fairness and balance to whom and 'attentive to customer needs, but is careful not to get carried away by his uncontrolled aspirations.''
GERONZI, TRUST JUDGES, always correct - Cesare Geronzi looks forward to a positive decision of the judges in the process Cirio. And 'what is learned from sources close to the presidency of the General, the request for a sentence of 8 years in prison today by Advanced Pm for the banker, after the indictment to trial for the collapse of food group. "After the statements of defense lawyers on the request of the prosecution process Cirio, sources close the chairmanship of the General are present, in accordance with the judicial authorities, to trust fully in a decision of the Chamber which, for the reasons stated by the defense, acknowledged the correctness of the work of Geronzi President, Recalling also that whenever the his conduct in the exercise of a banker, has been brought under review by the Judiciary, it was always correct, with the result of the declaration of innocence ".
Cragnotti, a request ABSURD -" An absurd request. " So Cragnotti, former owner of Cirio, said, speaking with one of his defenders, Lorenzo Contrada's request for a sentence of 15 years imprisonment made at the conclusion of the indictment on the crack of the food. Cragnotti then urged his lawyers to prepare. in the defensive pleading, an "appropriate response in order to demonstrate - Contrada told - that of all the operations ended on trial knew, and were approved by the supervisory bodies." For its part, Contrada has called "insane and disproportionate compared to the results of the trial" the request of the prosecutor Gustavo De Marinis, together with the representative of Rodolfo Sabelli and Tiziana Cousins. "I have often heard during the trial - said - that the case Cirio had nothing to do with that of Parmalat (Calisto Tanzi sentenced to 18 anni di reclusione ndr). A Cragnotti è stata contestata la tipologia delle operazioni eseguite, ma tutto è stato fatto alla luce del sole. Addirittura la Consob è stata sempre messa al corrente di tutte le operazioni e dei piani di rientro, bond compresi".
CODACONS, PM TROPPO BENEVOLI, RISPARMIATORI FACCIANO CAUSA ALLE BANCHE - I pm del crac Cirio sono troppo benevoli con Sergio Cragnotti e Cesare Geronzi che, secondo il Codacons, meriterebbero l'ergastolo. "Questi signori meritano pene più severe - attacca il presidente Carlo Rienzi in una nota - e se la vicenda Cirio fosse avvenuta all'estero di sicuro non avrebbero evitato l'ergastolo. Resta l'amarezza nel vedere che le banche, complici di questo crac finanziario, non receive any punishment. "The Association calls upon the damaged investors to sue banks responsible for selling: we would be able to" recover 100% of the amount invested.
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