Telematic documents: the postal mail via the brand DPCM 14.12.2010, OJ 01.03.2011
mode technology to ensure the security, integrity and certification of the transmission electronic document which is associated with the brand postal mail. (11A02794)
(OJ No. 49 of 03.01.2011)
agreement with
view of the art. 33 of the Decree of the President of the Republic May 29, 1982, No 655 approving the Regulation implementing the postal code of the decree of the President of the Republic March 29, 1973, which provides for certain categories of items of correspondence to the marking of the date of the post office during collection;
Given the Legislative Decree 22 July 1999, No 261, implementing Directive 97/67/EC on common rules for the development of the internal market of Community postal services and to improve the quality 'of the service, as amended;
Visto il decreto legislativo 7 marzo 2005, n. 82, e successive modificazioni, recante il «Codice dell'amministrazione digitale» che disciplina l'utilizzo delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione al fine di garantire la trasmissione, la conservazione e la fruibilita' dell'informazione in modalita' digitale;
Visto l'art. 14 del regolamento di esecuzione delle decisioni adottate dal XXIII congresso dell'Unione Postale Universale (UPU) tenutosi a Bucarest il 5 ottobre 2004, approvato con decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 12 gennaio 2007, n. 18 modificativo, in parte, della Convenzione UPU, che definisce la marcatura postale elettronica come servizio postale opzionale fornito dall'operatore attests to the universal service in finding a convincing reality 'of an event in a given electronic form, in a certain time and which was attended by one or more' parts;
the Order of the President of the Republic on May 7, 2008, with which the Hon. prof. Renato Brunetta and 'was appointed Minister without Portfolio;
the Order of the President of the Council of Ministers on 8 May 2008, by which the said Minister without portfolio and' been given the responsibility for Public Administration and Innovation ;
the Order of the President of the Council of Ministers 13 June 2008 laying down the delegation of functions of the President of the Council of Ministers in the field of public administration and innovation on the Minister without Portfolio. prof. Renato Brunetta;
the Order of the Minister for reforms and innovations in public administration, in consultation with the Minister of Communications, on 21 January 2008 and, in particular, Article. 3, paragraph 1;
the Order of the President of the Council of Ministers of 30 March 2009 containing the "Technical rules relating to generation, and affixing digital signature verification and time validity of electronic documents;
Given the legislative decree 1 December 2009, n. 177, with which you and 'reorganized CNIPA (National Centre for ICT in public administration) that has taken the name of DigitPA;
Acquired the technical opinion of DigitPA (formerly 'National Centre for ICT in public administration);
proceedings are to information provided by Directive 98/34/EC, according to the law on June 21 1986, no 317;
Decrees: Article 1
Definition 1. For the purposes of this Ordinance and pursuant to art. 14 of the UPU Convention shall apply:
a) brand electronic mailbox, the service provided by postal operators confirming finding a convincing reality 'of an event in a given electronic form, in a certain time and with the participation of one or more 'parts;
b) document computer, the computer representation of acts, facts or data legally relevant;
c) time reference, the information containing the date and time, which is associated with one or more 'electronic documents.
Article 2
Technical Standards Reference
1. The brand postal mail and 'based on the technical rules of the UPU standard S43.
Article 3
Features brand electronic mailbox
1. The association of the brand to an event e-mail postal represent and warrant that: a) the unique time reference in relation to the date and time the event has 'occurred, b) the integrity' of the data and related documents event in which the brand electronic postal mail refers.
2. The electronic postal service marking guarantees the sender and the recipient of electronic communications:
a) to have proof of receipt by the manager and the forwarding to the recipient through a unique time reference;
b) verifying the integrity ' of electronic documents transmitted.
3. The electronic postal service marking ensures interoperability 'at international level in relation to the standards dictated by the UPU.
4. Checking the integrity 'of the electronic document and which' was associated with a brand electronic mailbox is in the manner ' published on institutional DigitPa.
5. The brand electronic mailbox is a time reference enforceable against third parties relating to acceptance and at the transit system operator.
6. The operator of electronic postal service marking may 'provide the sender who requests certification of the initiation of the message to the recipient.
This Order and 'sent to the competent supervisory authorities and published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic.
Rome, December 14, 2010.
Minister for Public Administration and Innovation Brunetta
The Minister of Economic Development Romans
Registered at the Court of Auditors 7 February 2011.
Ministries Institutional - Prime Minister's Office, Registry No. 3, sheet No 143.
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