Pontinia: leaves the design of gas turbine?
Friday night Pontinia the City Council approved all items on the agenda, then the question RIR, spatial planning and urban planning provided by Legislative Decree no. 334/1999 (the Seveso Directive for establishments at risk of major accident RIR) and its 2001 decree implementation of the directive. In practice, the municipalities, such as where Pontinia insist, in the same industrial core of Mazzocchio two settlements at risk of a major accident, the South and New Oter Spa Gas Ltd, the same urban municipalities must approve the variation to reduce the possibility of occurrence of major accidents, possible domino effect among them. The variation in practice only prohibits nuclear power plants and use nuclear energy for any reason. And perhaps the town of Pontinia is one of the few in Italy to have a regulation prohibiting urban planning and nuclear power plants. Are admitted, then, all other businesses and activities, including, therefore, all types of power plants electric, gas turbines and biomass are included. For establishments not subject to control by fire does not change anything. For activities under the control
fire these must comply with the requirements of fire regulations and the opinion of the Fire Department. All companies and facilities listed in the Seveso Directive (and therefore biomass power plants and gas turbine) will demonstrate a risk assessment and the safety report that these do not lead to increase of risk compared to existing businesses.
In particular, the Gas and New South Otero. The regulation applies to a radius of 2 km from South Gas (practically the entire industrial area is regulated because the probability of Mazzocchio of new firms subject to RIR is almost exclusively an industrial area). This new resolution was necessary to fulfill the requirements of the law, by the municipality, and also regulates the information to the people who for whatever reason (resident or employee) will stay within a radius of 2 km from South Gas (for New Oter still must conclude the process of risk assessment). The resolution was approved to fill the legal vacuum, following the rejection and cancellation of the previous July 9, 2009 in response to the application of ACEA Electrabel Produzione SpA (the company proposing the gas turbine power plant in the industrial core of Mazzocchio) and judgments the TAR and the Board of Stato. Queste sentenze avevano eccepito sulla forma della delibera RIR, dando ragione nel merito al comune di Pontinia.
Quindi, contrariamente a quanto affermato dalla società proponente la ccentrale a turbogas, è stato stabilito che la stessa azienda è soggetta alla Direttiva Seveso. Bastava, per questo, leggere l'elenco delle attività soggette. Era stata anche respinta la richiesta di risarcimento danni della società proponente la centrale a turbogas (per altro avevano pure sbagliato la somma degli importi che non avevano nè dimostrato nè giustificato con documenti). Le 2 sentenze del TAR e del Consiglio di Stato chiedevano che la delibera fosse:
autosufficiente, spiegasse le motivazioni per il raggio analizzato di 2 km (the distance from the gas to the South end of the industrial core) and become urban variant, as has in fact become. Since yesterday, taking the measures to safeguard pending the conclusion of the variant. The resolution could also be fundamental to the TAR of the hearing on March 10 following the appeal of the town of Pontinia against the letter of the Technical Committee of the Regional Fire Department (CTR) on the construction of the gas turbine. CTR had stated that, as the central unit located outside the range of the damage from the South Gas was competent municipality. Who voted on this. The appeal of the town asked not to consider this letter an interlocutory opinion and territorial environmental compatibility
instead will be issued by the municipality of Pontinia, with submission of documentation (from the company proposing the plant to gas turbines) ever submitted so far.
The hearing was to take place on October 19 but was postponed pending the ruling (arrived after the hearing in November) by the State Council. But on Thursday that could be exceeded by the variation of the municipality, or instead decide on the suspension, which was requested by the municipality, the merits. Meanwhile, the gas turbine power plant project
remains firm in March 2009, the date of its opposition to request documents from the mayor that the company still has not. And meanwhile, has expired, on December 5 last year, yet the EIA ( Environmental Impact Assessment) that was issued December 5, 2005. In short, nothing is lost yet to defend the town of Pontinia.
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