Saturday, March 5, 2011

Alumacraft Fishing Boats

rinnvovabili, decree unconstitutional

Imprese ancora in trincea
"Il decreto è incostituzionale"
La mobilitazione contro la norma approvata ieri dal governo chiama in causa il Quirinale: "Napolitano non firmi, viola l'articolo 76". Sostegno anche da una parte della maggioranza, banche in allarme
ROMA - Da internet alla Consulta, passando per la Presidenza della Repubblica. I risultati portati a casa dalla mobilitazione senza precedenti 1avvenuta sul web per salvare il futuro renewable energy at the end were modest, but now the battle to stop the Legislative Decree 2 wanted by the Minister of Economic Development Paul Romans could move to the Quirinale. The assessment of environmental organizations, especially the opposition and trade associations against the measure which, among other things ordered by next June to start a renegotiation of the incentives for photovoltaics, tying them to a ceiling to be set every year, remains strongly negative. However, given the insensitivity of the government to amend a rule that threatens to cripple the only sector of the economy grew last year despite the crisis, creating thousands of new jobs, the objective si è spostato dal merito al metodo.

Tutte le principali associazioni di produttori di energia verde, Aper, Gifi Asso Energie Future, Assosolare, si sono riunite quindi oggi a Roma per denunciare l'incostituzionalità dell’articolo 25 del testo uscito ieri da Palazzo Chigi. "Il decreto legislativo sulle rinnovabili approvato dal Consiglio dei ministri - denuncia il presidente di Asso Energie Future, Massimo Sapienza - non tiene in alcun conto i pareri espressi dalle Commissioni Parlamentari; è in contrasto con la direttiva europea che fissa per l'Italia un obiettivo del 17 per cento di energia da fonti rinnovabili entro il 2020; non rispetta i criteri indicati dalla legge delega. Per questi motivi chiediamo al Presidente della Repubblica Napolitano not to sign the decree because it violates Article 76 of the Constitution. "During the press conference to launch the new battle, the associations have also distributed the letter to be delivered in the coming hours the Head of State. A detailed document that cites a long series of legal precedents to support this interpretation.

the initiative emanates from the producers is none other than a bank within the parliamentary majority, although on different legal grounds. "Beyond the complaints - says a Note Force South, the training which is headed by Gianfranco Micciche - it's time to take a strong stand against this decree 'killing green economy '. Regarding Force of the South, along with other parliamentary colleagues, we will promoters of strong initiatives to bring out the unconstitutionality of the decree in question, with particular reference to Article. 41 of the constitution, since the introduction of the time limit of May 31, 2011 will have the effect to break all economic initiatives of the green economy that can not adapt to the decree, explaining the violation of the freedom of private economic initiative. "

In alarm to the devastating repercussions on the economic fabric of the Roman decree related to the production of renewable energy is also the banking sector. "There is strong concern of the banks", and "the next the upper reaches of UniCredit weeks to decide one way or another "regarding the funding to the sector, says Fort Pius, the center of expertise on renewable Unicredit leasing. The" effects were already being felt, "he adds, not is not to "block funding" for the renewables sector. Strong also notes that "by March 16 would join the Italian Banking Association to understand the impact it will have on banks," the decree Romans.
(04 March 2011)


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