water, nuclear, waste, school, constitution: the protests
Maybe after Egypt, Tunisia and Libya come
strong protests in Italy. Indeed Gaddafi asks why you should resign as
that he does his friend who receives continuous protests and disputes
(he mentions 31), after repeated scandals that have
on carnival floats all over the world and the lure International
after the continuous process of investigations and inquiries.
Saturday however, after the 8 March event that
Italy takes on another meaning, given the kind of disdain (after
that the public school, for example) expressed by those who continue to rave
robes of red and Communists .
Saturday, March 12, 2011 - 14 - Piazza Della Repubblica Rome
The Prime Ministers of our country says that public school teachers
inculcate values \u200b\u200bdifferent from those
's true. The school teaches, that leads the student out of
limitations particular to achieve all''universale.
The family is a microcosm of the Platonic cave, the school will launch
for the open sea of \u200b\u200bknowledge where your small, insignificant
worldview sailing (on ships run by teachers
/ navigators) between the open spaces of the law,
mathematics and physical sciences, history, literature,
of political thought and philosophy, the fine arts.
He wanted to say this, but all the teachers lazy
Public School have once again misunderstood !!!!!
I am attaching with a PDF file that I urge you to read completely, the
Piero Calamandrei speech (one of the constitutional fathers) held in Rome 11
February 1950 at the Congress of the Association in Defence of
school is a national relevance today.
Nando Bonessio Lazio President Green Ecologist for the Constituent Assembly.
March 12, 2011 - Day of National Mobilization BARI
WATER PUBLIC TO VOTE YES vote for the law to the Apulian aqueduct ripubblicizzazione
IT to support the common good second referendum on the water to stop
SI Nuclear
to stop incinerators, landfills and polluting the destruction of the territory
to stop the privatization of education pubblica e dei saperi
appello, sottoscrizione, locandina sul sito nazionale
http://www.facebook.com/search.php#!/event.php?eid=203870762957176 su facebook
In Italia, e in Europa, negli ultimi 15 anni le politiche liberiste
dei governi che si sono susseguiti, indipendentemente dal loro colore,
hanno portato a una vera e propria privatizzazione dei beni comuni e
dei servizi pubblici, acqua compresa. L’ultima fase, in senso
cronologico, di questo processo è rappresentata dall’art. 15 del
Decreto Ronchi convertito in Legge, che sancisce l’obbligo della messa
a gara della gestione dei servizi pubblici locali, ivi compreso
water, and transfer to private operators at least 40% of the shares held by local authorities
. The referendum, promoted by the Italian Forum of Water Movements
and a wide social coalition formed by
social and cultural forces gathered in the "referendum committees
2 Yes for Water Common Good" are the tool of constitutional
we have to stop their privatization, the repeal of the law and Article
Ronchi. 154 of Legislative Decree 152/2006 (only so much
adequate return on invested capital).
After the removal of these articles you can start a path that leads to effective
ripubblicizzazione local public services and
water service and you can eliminate the possibility of making profit
In Puglia, the aqueduct is a corporation and, therefore, while being
total public capital (the Region of Puglia
owns 100% of the shares), managed under private law. The danger lies
sull'AQP is that some of the shares are sold to private
. Risk that the course is February 25, 2009, when
Regional Council, the Democratic Party, through its parent company in
Council, filed a motion to sell part
of shares to private. Fortunately, this motion was withdrawn
thanks to the strong and constant mobilization of the Movements for water
and, more generally, of citizenship.
In June 2009, after two years of silence of the Government to
requested a meeting, the Committee Pugliese "Water Common Good," the
Italian Forum of Water Movements and the Region of Puglia
walked through the Birth of a technical committee, the process that has led to
in December 2009, the bill
(DDL) for the Aqueduct ripubblicizzazione Pugliese. The President of the Region and Alderman
Amati pledged to bring
DDL in the Council before the end of the first term of the Executive
Vendola, which however did not happen. On the other hand, Nichi Vendola built
campaigning for his re-election to the presidency of
Region on the theme "Public Water", pledging on behalf of
his coalition to transform the DDL into law within the first 100 days of his new government
. Nichi Vendola and his coalition were
re-elected in March 2010 and today, more than a year since that day, the bill for
ripubblicizzare AQP still lies in the competent committees
. And, unfortunately, is not all: the majority has, in fact,
birth of the amendments, if approved,
distorting the original bill, putting at risk especially transparency,
principle of participation in the management of local authorities, and the vital
minimum quantity of water guaranteed to every citizen.
approve the bill that establishes the ripubblicizzazione
AQP, before the holding of the referendum to be held within
June 12, is an act of great political importance and
compliance with the undertaking by the Government. Enshrine in fact the will of the Puglia Region
to claim autonomy
to assume responsibility in terms of public management of water services
respect their obligations under the existing legislation.
Water, however, is only the tip of the iceberg of the privatization of the commons
promoted by the liberal policies of the last
decades which have led to impoverishment of a large part of
populations and territories, enriching only small groups
with a drastic reduction of financial rights gained,
causing the current crisis and dramatic economic, social, ecological and
democracy. Within this general framework
also part of the privatization process
Public Education, of "empowerment" of the various universities and schools, promoted by the various
governi di centro-sinistra e centro-destra
susseguitisi negli ultimi vent’anni, i quali stanno dando sempre più
spazio alle scuole e università private. La logica privatizzatrice è
la stessa.
Sabato 12 marzo – h 9.30
Piazza Umberto, scendiamo in piazza:
* affinché il DDL sulla ripubblicizzazione dell’acquedotto
pugliese (nella sua versione originaria e senza emendamenti) diventi
Legge regionale a tutti gli effetti;
* per ribadire la nostra contrarietà alle politiche di
privatizzazione dell’istruzione pubblica, dei saperi e della
to say NO to nuclear power, incinerators, landfills and polluting industrial facilities
* to start a common path for the social reappropriation
of all common goods
* for the construction of a model management transparent and participatory
public policies through self-organized and
bottom of all community property.
* against the dismantling of workers' rights and
workers for full employment out of the logic
"developed" in a context of production are socially and ecologically compatible
Along with education and training, with all
committees and local groups who are fighting to protect the environment
, invite all to express their voice
Committee Puglia "Water Common Good" - Italian Forum of Water Movements
Students for Water
to communicate their participation and support, please send an email to
: segreteriareferendumacqua @ gmail.com
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