nuclear dramatic news from Japan
Dear, are
Kyoto, lontana dalle zone sismiche, e incollata
alla tv sia per l'ansia e le apprensioni che per voglia di
sapere davvero come stanno le cose.
Trovo interessante vedere i vari canali che parlano
del guasto alle centrali nucleari di Fukushima provocato
dai sismi.
Vorrei riassumere per voi velocemente e a caldo - perdonate
l'italiano disordinatissimo ! - cio' che possono essere ormai
considerati i fatti ma magari non vengono trasmessi correttamente
in Italia:
I 7 reattori delle centrali nucleari di Fukushima sono stati
fermati automaticamente dopo la prima scossa grave.
Ma, di alcuni reattori non ha funzionato il sistema
del raffreddamento and hold the soaring
The internal temperature did not know how to fix
the reduction of cooling water.
Finally, the government ordered the manager to give the water of the sea
not to leave open the reactor, which, however, 'according
various experts, the future would mean the renunciation of the use of the reactor;
why' and 'bad for the cylinder, put the unclean water.
(This points out the situation was not foreseen by the designers of Central
regards the inhabitants, the authorities'
have first decided to evacuate the surrounding area of \u200b\u200b3 km, then with the passage of time
, have widened the distance from 10 km to 20 km. Oddly
extension and the latter 'took place contempranea
with the declaration of the authorities' (the government) not to have found the casting of the cylinder
it 'the registration of radioactivity
' abnormal.
In reality ', before the outbreak and the collapse of the building containing the reactor
No 1 (the most 'problematic among 4) in the afternoon
today, was recorded at the site until 1015 of
microsievert per hour,
an alarming figure, equivalent to an annual maximum tolerance
to humans.
A channel - which shows more 'skeptical
statement before the government is more' close to the earthquake victims given the number 'of information
more than many other channels - has sent a news
not yet heard on other channels:
from a control and 'radiation exposure
recorded by people who were waiting for the arrival of relief when outdoors
c' and 'was this outbreak (about 3 km from the site).
They measured 3 people about 90 and all three have collected the data
alarming (not Sievert, 100 000 cpm of a
and 30 or 40 thousand from the other two), a quantity 'that requires the body to accurately unlavaggio
do not get sick (but there 'to worry
also of internal exposure.
All this and' success reactors declared "the most 'safe', exceeded all
stringent seismic testing in 2009. A
you pull the evaluation.
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