Monday, March 7, 2011

Minimed Paradigm Real-time System Discount


Pontinia with Resolution No. 9 of the municipal council on March 4 has become a nuclear-free town with its own rules (a variant of planning) that prohibits this type of system:

24)-Factories and plants where they are produced, employing or keeping explosive substances classified as such by regulation implementation of the Consolidated Laws approved by PS RD May 6, 1940, No 635, and subsequent amendments and additions as well as organic peroxides.
25) Exercises-minute sale of explosive substances referred to ministerial decrees 10.18.1973 and 09.18.1975 and subsequent amendments and additions.
75), institutes, laboratories, establishments and departments that are made, even occasionally, scientific research or industrial activities for which radioactive isotopes are used, equipment containing such substances and ionizing radiation generating devices (Article 13 of Law 31 - 12-1962, No. 1860 and Article 102 of Presidential Decree 13.2.1964, n. 185).
76)-Businesses with possession of radioactive substances (Chapter IV of Presidential Decree 13.2.1964, n. 185).
77) Garages-held firms di autorizzazione permanente al trasporto di materiali fissili in speciali e di materie radioattive (art. 5 della legge 31-12-1962, n. 1860, sostituito dall’art. del D.P.R. 30-12-1965, n. 1704).
78)-Impianti di deposito delle materie nucleari, escluso il deposito in corso di spedizione.
79)-Impianti nei quali siano detenuti combustibili nucleari o prodotti o residui radioattivi (art. 1, lettera b) della legge 31-12-1962, n. 1860).
80)-Impianti relativi all’impiego pacifico dell’energia nucleare ed attività che comportano pericoli di radiazioni ionizzanti derivanti dal predetto impiego:
- impianti nucleari;
- reattori nucleari, eccettuati quelli che facciano parte di un mezzo di trasporto;
- facilities for the preparation or manufacture of nuclear material;
- facilities for the separation of isotopes;
- facilities for the processing of irradiated nuclear fuel.


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